March 7, 2011

It's Monday

It wasn't even 7:30am yet!
Aspen 11 months - got into the Desitin

Found this rugrat in my room eating fist fulls of Desitin.  Yum.  Do you know how hard this is to get off?!  It's meant to stay on, and repel moisture... soap and water just smeared it.  I used a dry towel and wiped it all off, then washed her.  Poison control said she should be fine... as long as I don't let her eat it all the time!  duh

Too bad I didn't think to take a picture of Emory right before this - she pulled down the box of dirt that was on the table!  I wasn't planning on getting out the vacuum so early this morning. *sigh*

I'm not a neglectful mom usually.  I promise.  I guess I was busy trying to get a 6 year old ready for kindergarten.


Aaron Waite said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. My bad for leaving the Desitin out. I like to snack on it every once in a while too. Like father like daughter...

Darleen said...

I'm sorry, but I'm laughing really hard right now!!!

Amy F said...

Desitin belongs in the high-high medicine cabinet after this incident happened with one of my twins:

Oh, the joys. Aspen looks so cute, even with white lips.

Anonymous said...

I did that, and I'm seventeen D: I was at my friends house and thought it was toothpaste. T'was like a nightmare trying to get it all out of my mouth and teeth. So gross.

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