September 8, 2010

Girls Girls Girls

This picture makes me laugh.  Ava with a bruise on her cheek holding Emory who doesn't look amused by the situation at all.  Then Eden trying to help Aspen smile which is not working.  This is our life.

The twins are 5 months old now - and I'm starting to feel like I have a slight grasp on life again.  So often, Boyfriend and I, find ourselves marveled over the very idea that we had two babies at the same time.  We now are parents of twins.  How did that happen to us?  And how do we do it?  Something I didn't know until I became a mother of twins is that there is this "secret twins club" that exists out there in the world. Once you have twins, you automatically are a member.  Anyone and everyone with multiples is instantly united with that bond to each other.  What I always thought to myself  before having twins was, "How on earth does a mother handle and function with two babies at one time?"  Then I suddenly had to do it.

And what I do, is just do it.  Luckily, they are the sweetest babies on the planet.  Life at our house is just super crazy busy.  NON STOP.  Out of the 4 girls, there is always someone needing something or other.  And then, when they are all settled, there's a house that needs tending to, or food to be made, or phone calls to return.  Somehow I wish I could slip in some shut eye... sigh.  That will come later in my life.  Right now is my season for baby kisses and dark circles under my eyes.  And I have found the joy in it.
 Emory Susan 5 months old

Leaving the house by myself with all four of the girls can be crazy, but once I'm out, I have a feeling of empowerment.  I can do this.  I'm The Mama.  These are all my little chickadees.  I get plenty of stares and comments though.  The most popular comment is "You've got your hands full!".

My expectations of everyday life have drastically changed!  Such as...

...what a clean house looks like.

...if my childrens' outfits match or if their hair is perfectly combed. own personal appearance. often any of the girls are bathed.  It used to be almost nightly, but that is a JOKE now.

...what a homemade dinner consists of.
 Aspen Kathleen 5 months old.

I totally know I have people out there wondering if I'm able to nurse these two chickadees.  I mean I bragged about my fancy pillow and all.  Well in the beginning, I used that pillow every day all day.  I tried to nurse both babies. I tried really very hard.  It was a circus act.  All three of us were horrible at it.  I think Emory might have been able to have a good go at it, but Aspen was not happy.  We tried this for the first two months.  I would nurse and then pump and then finish their feeding with the pumped milk.  Do you know how much time this took????  Ridiculous.  Nursing has never been easy for me.  Well I couldn't keep nursing and then pumping, so we decided to finally skip the first.  What I'm saying is... I only pump now.  They still are getting the good stuff, but it's from a bottle which has it's benefits.  I admittedly do not enjoy pumping.  To say the least, I hate it.  Oh well, it's only for a period of time.  

Hey, are you wondering how I feed both babies every day?
Aspen, my legs, Emory  (5 months old)

These bouncy seats are my greatest tool.  I plop them in and pop the bottles in their mouths.  Sometimes I can get the big sisters to help out, but more often then not that becomes more of a chore than a help.  I can go pretty quick this way.  Both the babies and I know what to do and how to do it when we settle into this position.

These babies are my new addiction.  They are so yummy!


Janilynn said...

I love it! Life will get better, just keep on hanging in there. It sounds like you are doing awesome. Life will get "normal" again, or a new normal. They are all so cute.

Heather said...

anyone with twins in my eyes are "super heros" you are doing awesome. truly such cute kiddos. the twins are growing up to fast.
hope all is well~


Callie said...

I know you just do it, but you are a great mom. It is great to be able to spend time with you guys and your family again. Such cute kids!

april said...

I'm so glad you posted an update! All four of your girls are adorable, and you are AMAZING!

Darleen said...

They've grown so much and are so beautiful!! Good for you for still pumping! That's impressive. You guys have created such a beautiful family.

SUZANNE said...

Indeed they are!! Such a fun update. They are just darling. I'm bummed I missed your call tonight. I will try giving you a buzz soon!

Amy F said...

Welcome to the club! It is true and a lot like the med school/residency experience... you have to experience it to understand! It sure is a special experience... and it sounds like you are finding joy in this crazy journey! Good for you for altering your expectations... so important!! And bouncy chairs are priceless!!

Your girls are ALL beautiful, with bright eyes and happy faces. Keep up your good attitude... so so important!

One time in California I was out with my 4 at the store... twins in double stroller, baby in the baby bjorn, and my oldest 'helping" to push the stroller... when I got the "you've got your hands full" line. I told him... "could you use one of yours to open the door for me??" hee, hee, hee...

My Homestead said...

I found your blog through Stephanie's, so needless to say we have never met. But I started reading it because I have two children( a four yr old girl and a 2 yr old boy) and twins on the way( a boy and a girl) and my husband is finishing up dental school so I feel like your situation is somewhat similar. Our twins were a total shocker as well, don't run in the family, no fertility. I love how the doctor calls it spontaneous. It sounds like a good word for it. Anyways, it sort of gives me little heart attacks when I think about trying to do it all and I wanted to say it gives me so much comfort reading how others are doing it and how I just might be able to survive it.

Marlena said...

You are totally doing it! Go Carolyn!

Josh n Betsie said...

you rock momma, I miss you and wish you were here. Those girls are so so so cute. And get used to the "you've got your handsful" comment. I just stare at people now...REALLY!!! Like I haven't heard that one before eh? Watch what they say after I have another one. HA HA HA!!!! Youre doing great. Everyone looks happy

Lynette said...
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Lynette said...

They are ALL so cute Carolyn. I LOVE the picture of all four of them. You are doing SO great. Keep up the good work. I wish I lived closer too. I'd come hold them - and snag a piece of that zucchini bread. :)

GillyBlog said...

WOW!! enough said...WOW! Your family is so beautiful and perfect! I miss you! forget the clean house, and the home cooked meals...There will be a day when we will have a clean house and a home cooked meal and wonder what is so great about it...oh wait, no we won't:):)lol Your family has a special glow to them...A glow of true JOY!!!

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