Many people have been wanting to know how the twin pregnancy is going and how I've been feeling. Now that I'm over the whole shock of it all and the first trimester... I guess I'm ready to talk.
This pregnancy has been crazy and just so different from my first two pregnancies.
There has been such a whirl wind of emotions:
denial (I felt like this really isn't happening, or that it really wasn't going to happen)
After I worked through some of those feelings I was able to start feeling the good emotions like how blessed we are to have two new spirits come into our family at once.
I don't want to sound ungrateful ever when I talk about this whole experience, because I really understand how amazing it is. Especially when I have people I cherish in my life who long for something like this to happen just once in there precious lives.
The first trimester was hard. I was sick.
I threw up a lot.
I gagged all the time. Once I was paying for groceries and while handing the check out lady my card, I started gagging. She freaked out - worried I was about to hurl all over her and the register.
I was terribly exhausted. So tired!
Even though I was sick, I needed food all the time.
I had crazy cravings.
I gained a lot of weight really fast. -I've read now that weight gain in the beginning of a multiple pregnancy is important for the growth of the babies. I'm having faith that is true and so my weight gain is good... but I sure hope it slows down now... although from previous experience, I don't think that's going to happen. It was only 7 months ago that I ran a half marathon! That energetic me I worked so hard for is long gone now. And realistically, I'm going to have to come to terms that it might be a couple YEARS before I can get that strength back. Boo hoo.
Now that I'm in my second trimester I'm not as sick. I still gag, but no more running to the bathroom.
I'm only 4.5 months along but I feel like I'm already 8 months pregnant.
I can't bend down. Well, I can, but I really wish I didn't have to.
Therefore... my floors are dirty, toys are in each and every room of the house, and I'm still really tired.
I don't get much done during the day. I've slowed way down.
I constantly have weird sharp pains stabbing me from my growing uterus.
But the best part is... I can feel little twinges of movement from my dancing ballerinas inside.
At my last ultrasound I witnessed Baby B tap dancing on Baby A's face. Awesome.
I'm planning to nurse these two girls. Heaven knows I'm well equipped to do so!I just ordered one of these twin nursing pillows. Unfortunately mine isn't going to be such a snazzy pattern. Just plain ol' pink thank you. I'm sure I will be smiling like the model woman too, the whole time. And I hope to keep my 20 year old cordless phone in that handy side pocket.
December 14, 2009
Inquiring Minds
Written by
12:05 PM
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wait, I thought you were having boys? Are they two little ladies? Where did I get boys from?
That pillow is pretty awesome. My favorite part is her hair.
Wait...I was thinking boys. Is that way off? Apparently, you've found out differently - with the pink cover for the nursing pillow and all.:} Congratulations...again. You're amazing.
The only reason I know it is girls is because Cathy told me...I am glad she did otherwise I would be super confused.
That lady nursing in the picture you show kinda freaks me out a bit. I know it is for a product shot but do you really have to nurse two cabbage patch kids?
PS- looking at that picture again makes me realize that she looks like Jill Tanner off of the TV show Home Improvement.
oh my heck i for sure thought it was boys!!! how fun twin girls... good thing Aaron is doing a fellowship cause i guess you will need the extra money for 4 weddings someday!!!! ;) we are so happy for you! if you need anything please call again!!!
once again congrats!
I am glad you are making it through! And Congrats on the Girls! And thanks for the laugh! I was laughing outloud at that picture and your description!
Wow! I can't imagine the whirlwind of emotions you're describing. Four girls though! Good luck to you guys and EVERYTHING you're doing. Love ya lots!
Oh, you are a dear! Your feelings are all okay!! and expected! I am so excited for you to go through all of this... it is wonderful and worth it. And hard too, though. But you already know that!
I remember scooting around the house on my bum with a basket in my hand to clean up the house. So hard to bend over... so there's my advice!! Glamorous, huh?
Wish I had known you were needing a twin nursing pillow... would've given you mine...
Everytime I read your posts, I am smiling from ear to ear and picturing you on the phone while nursing both angels, I have to admit, made me laugh. And this pregnancy is worth 2 marathons every month. You are just wearing out a spot on the couch instead of your shoes:):)Get lots of rest Carolyn!!!
Yippee! I am so happy for you and envious and oh so get it! I never had twins, but I did throw up fro all 5 of mine, the whole time! I actually had a neighbor who made me airsick bags to take o the road with me. I have thrown up on a security guard who didn't believe when I said, I HAVE TO GET TO THE>>>.
On the other side of it, I have also had conversations with my kids like, Chandler, who said, "Mom, I loved being 3, remember we were snuggle buddies and we just colored and read stories and did puzzles. That was the best" I had lost 10 pounds in my first trimester and was put on bed rest at 24 weeks. All I remembered was everything I didn't get done during those months, but Chandler remembers everything I did!
Keep you chin up!
that is so fun and exciting! congratulations! four girls. good for you!
I'm still in shock. But am SO excited for you guys. You can do it! You'll be awesome mama to girls. I wish I could come over and clean or at least take the girls for a playdate. Love you!!
Congrats on having twins! I can definitely see feeling overwhelmed, but that is really cool. That is so exciting. :)
That pillow is way cooler than the one my mom tried to make for me!
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