A couple of weekends ago we actually had some friends come and visit! We were excited that Andrew and Callie with their son Thomas would drive those 7 hours from Oklahoma to see us. We met them almost 6 years ago during medical school. And although Andrew is a geologist turned lawyer, he and Aaron get along pretty well. We had some fun Memphis activities planned, but the whole time it just rained. Actually more like poured buckets! We managed to drive over to the Mississippi River and watch from the car window. It was huge, covered the walking path & grass and was up to the tree trunks. We also got to get BBQ one night for dinner, so not all was lost.

*Editor's Note: Um, I just read over this and realized that I need to point out Thomas is one of the cutest kids I've met! That's why I didn't mind him one bit rough housing Ava. Actually she enjoyed it. And who couldn't love a kid with those curls?! Thanks for the coming out for a visit you guys! It was great to see you!
I love those curls. He just can't resist giving some love to Ava. So cute. You have some really nice friends to make that long treck to you.
So sad that you have a picture of Thomas in pushing action! Now I can't sweetly deny it! We'll have to work on that one... We sure had a great time seeing you guys!
I bet you had a lot of fun together even with the bad weather. Your kids are just darling and it looks like they got along pretty well. =)
Too bad we couldn't be there. We miss you guys !
What a cute little boy! Hi, Andrew and Callie, if you're reading this!
That is some serious friend devotion! I cringe at having to drive 5 hours to see my sisters new baby. They must like you guys alot!
Life is never the same A.K.(after kids) It gets only better and better!!! I loved most stages except the insane rebellious years! I love that you seem to take time to enjoy yours. You Roundy girls are great moms.
Hey same back at you on liking this blogging buisness. It is nice to see my nieces in grown up action. Sorry that Rob and I can't make it to the new school celebration. No time off of work.
Happy Mothers day. Love ya
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