Momma Robin moved in. Her nest is at the back corner of our house by the breakfast nook windows. Unfortunately we can't watch her from inside the house but it has been fun to check in every time we're in the backyard.

Had I known she was coming, I might have done some spring cleaning around the rain gutters! But she graciously told me she doesn't mind.
That is fun! I want a bird of my own.
You are becoming the quite animal hotel. Let's see....you have robins, red breasts, squirrels, toads, opossums, termites, and you used to have chickens. I'm going to start calling you Dr. Doolittle.
THAT IS SO FUNNY.. Dr. doolittle is your new name!! lol :)
How fun.. every animal loves your house!! Maybe it's your cooking???
I just noticed a mommy robin making a nest in the big tree in my front yard this morning. Is this their birthing season? Do you know much about it? I was thinking of getting a bird feeder and setting it close by. I am sure the girls love looking at the robins. How fun. Jen B
Fabulous- Don't forget to tell Eden how momma robins don't like any contention, they need all the toys put away, and everyone in bed on time for their babies to grow big and strong!! Momma robins don't like any other issues you are having either;)
So sweet! We have a nest in one of our trees, but we aren't sure what kind of birds live in it. We've seen both robins and house-finches at our feeder, but can't ever catch them flying to the nest. It's a mystery!
Reminds me of the birds that would nest out of my bedroom window growing up. I love the sound of baby birds.
My Connor would go nuts for a bird nest like this in the gutter!
Aren't bird nests on your house awesome? My little ones and I spent a lovely summer watching one a few years ago, and welcome them when they come now. We have a hole in the facia by our master bedroom window, and we have birds in our attic - we love it! Kind of a damper on getting the facia fixed... :)
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