But what else is exciting about this picture are those hanging baskets along the fence. Hopefully we will have very yummy strawberries this summer. From what I've read, in a couple of places, is to pinch back the flowers until May. Maybe to allow the roots to establish? Do any of you done this with your strawberries?
wow memphis must be beautiful in the spring time. I miss that about the east coast! I am getting tired of the dessert and the plains of the mid west!
I am happy your tomatoes survived and it will be fun to see how your strawberries turn out! I am sure they will both taste fabulous as they were grown with lots of love and care. Experience does not affect the flavor.
Looks like popcorn popping. You have such a pretty yard. I love the hanging baskets.
what in the world does it mean to "pinch back"? The herbs I planted said to do that too but I don't know what it is?
And yes...that tree is really really pretty! And I really really wish I could have a tea party with your girls under it! Taj can run security for the party keeping away all the squirrels and possums (which I think i spelled wrong but don't care.)
Can I come for the tea party? Will you promise to have sprinkle toast? I really must get out to Tennessee!
Thanks for fixing my blog. It looks so much better. :)
Beautiful tree too. How fun to get to look at that everyday.
(Hannah's sister)
now THAT'S springtime in tennessee! i have more pictures of my awkward self over the years parked in front of the dogwoods. gorgeous!
Man i wish i were your neighbor I'm lovin the tree & strawberries.. I would just have the kids come over & pick some!!! ;)
The south really is beautiful in the Spring. You should take a drive some day in the neighborhoods in East Memphis near where you used to get your milk or near the zoo. Very beautiful.
Hello Waite family! This is Ben and Brittany May from a million years ago. I've been busy searching blogs and have found so many great people from Shoreline. Just wanted to drop by and say hi. Your daughters are adorable! Glad to see you guys are doing well!
Wow! What a beautiful sight to look at every morning.
I love your tree. Does it smell pretty too? I had to make a comment because I know Ben and Brittany May. They were in my last ward. Hi! We were all in primary together. What a small world. This is Jen Bunker.
I LOVE blossoms!! They are a few of my favorite things. I'm gonna show James the picture so he can see the "popcorn."
Popcorn Popping was written for your tree. Have you been singing it a million times?
: )
p.s. can you send some of that Spring up here ???
Could you please send me your email?
Awesome tree. It's beautiful.
Go ahead! Stalk anytime you want. I guess this makes you no longer a stalker, though. Especially if you are a fellow resident-wife. Our kind is always welcome.
Go says HI!
Hey Carolyn I found your blog from Anjuli White's blog. That is a beautiful tree. Makenna said, "Hey mom that's the apricot tree with the popcorn popping." It is fun to see pics of Eden and Ava. Anna is almost one and she does the same pose, "FITA", as Ava. She loves to go up on her tippy toes with her fanny in the air and giggle. Too Cute! It is good to see your family is doing well. Miss ya!!! Kelly Marsden
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