We went to the self proclaimed "chicken lady's" house to purchase her fresh chicken eggs. I suddenly realized how easier it is driving only 1.3 miles for fresh eggs instead of actually keeping chickens in my back yard for the fresh eggs! Don't the eggs look cool? I almost felt guilty cracking one open to then throw away that colored shell. Oh wait, I mean I totally threw it into my compost bin. Actually the guilt went away when I saw the insides. Not yellow yolks mind you, but orange yolks. And enormous at that! Those were the creamiest, most delicious scrambled eggs my family has ever eaten.
But just to keep things straight... I haven't given up on having backyard chickens altogether! I plan on still having chickens... it will just have to be later in life when I have the means to do it right!
How much does the chicken lady charge for a dozen? If you don't want to disclose here you can email me.
They do look pretty. So fun to have a chicken lady down the street. Aaron must be lovin all this chicken business. Chicken man himself.
Yum-o! I can almost taste your creamy scrambled eggs! I bet these pretty babies would make one tasty scrambled egg sandwich - one of our lunch time favs from back in the day...remember?! Yes? No? I sure do! Love, Suz
The eggs are $2.50 a dozen.
Suz... my kids aren't into the scrambled eggs sandwiches yet, BUT that didn't stop me from having mine! It was divine!
mmm, yummy. and that price isn't bad.
So I was thinking with how pretty they look you don't even have to color eggs for Easter. Just go straight to the Chicken Lady and you are done!
Those are beautiful eggs! Are you going to decorate them?
I wonder why there are only white ones at the store? What do they do with all the pretty colored ones? I hope the green ones don't have green yolks!
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