*note: It has taken me THREE days to finally get pictures to upload. Blogger was having issues, and I wasn't liken it! Did anyone else have problems with this? Oh well, it seems to be working now, so on with it!
Sunday was a very important day because it marked the day when the amazing Jenifer came into this world. I'm a lucky girl to have her not only as a friend, but a sister... and forever at that!
All my pictures of Jenifer are featuring Jen with, none other than, me! They all came from my baby photo books...Isn't she a sweet sister holding me so carefully? Wait, that look on her face isn't just to show off her beautiful dimple. Can you see that ever so small dark spot on my cheek? That's not dirt on the picture, it's actually a scab I inflicted on myself with my long baby nails during labor. Or so I think that's how the story goes. But I do know this part of the story to be fact: Jenifer being the tender sister she was/is, ever so carefully picked it off for me... leaving a scar on my left cheek. Hmmm, leaving me with something to remember her by? You bet, but one wouldn't be enough, there was more to come.
I have always loved loved loved Jenifer's smile! Maybe it's the dimples, but it lights a spark in my heart. She was the only one of the siblings who didn't need orthodontics and therefor saved my dad lots of $$. Maybe that's why she is the favorite. I don't know, but she is one of my favorites!
I remember this day of Jen's graduation. Jen did my hair for me. I felt so special! She also decided my dress needed just a little something more. That's when she went to the her closet, pulled out the coolest white lace sash and tied it around my waist. Oh man! I was big time then, or that's what I thought. I can still see how she tied the bow on the side of my hip. I was wondering how she could tie it so perfectly?
One of the things I was blessed with were two older sisters who were great examples of how a girl should act and expect to be treated.
Jen knows the answer to anything and everything. If she doesn't know the answer she can find it out instantly. She is a get it done woman, and I really admire that! Other things I admire about my Jen Pen:
- She's goal oriented. I love that about her.
- She's courageous. It takes courage to decide to go back to college and get a degree after being out of school for a few years with a couple of kids. She doesn't even need to get a degree, she's doing it because she wants to. I love this about her.
- Her mind comes up with the greatest ideas at any given moment. She can always come up with something clever to do. I love that about her.
- Jen knows her mind. You ask her to decide between A or B and bamb! She can tell you instantly. I love that about her.
- She's great with math. I can barely count to ten. I love this about her.
- She's witty. This girl is funny! I love this too.
- Speaking of funny, Jen also has the coolest contagious laugh. It compliments her smile wonderfully. I love this about her.
- Clean & organized at all times in everything in her life. Awesome! I love that about her.
- Okay and lastly, Jen is so pretty. Now that I think about it, she does look alot like me. Well then, that explains a lot! Ha ha ha.
I love you!
Happy Birthday Jen! You have an amazing family. Hope it's a great day for you.
I always wanted a sister! I was an only child... so I guess that is why someday I hope Marlee can have one!!! I have a 50/50 shot!!:)
What an awesome sis!!
p.s. I still can't down load my pictures that I want!! What the heck is wrong?!?!??!?!!??!
Happy Happy Birthday Jen! I love all those things about Jen and more, like how patient she is...and what an amazing cook she is...and what a great hostess she is. In fact Geoffrey was just telling me how much he misses Sister Martin!!!
Happy B-day MOM! I LOVE YOU!!!
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