September 21, 2010

A Sprouting Hobby

Isn't this lovely?

I've been trying to teach myself how to sew.  Now I didn't make the crochet top of this pillow.  I commissioned someone on etsy to do that part for me.  But I did, with the help of the internet and youtube teach myself how to construct the pillow & even make my own piping.  Let me toot my own horn cuz I'm quite thrilled with it!
 Even Boyfriend admitted that it was cool.  He was a little unsure at first with all the time and effort it was taking.  But once he saw the finish product, he gave me a big hug.

This pillow has inspired my next project.  Think "granny squares" but with fabric instead of yarn.  It's going to be big and grand and it's going to take me ages!  Can't wait.


GillyBlog said...

I wish we were close...quilting is my #1 hobby!!

Heather said...

can you come teach me next!???
love it all....especially your part! :)

Becky said...

Cool! I'm very impressed with your work! I wish I had projects.

Marleen said...

Oh, can you teach me? Your next project looks so fun.

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