Tonight while putting the girls to bed, I was helping Ava say her prayers. Once we were done, Ava informed me she wanted to say a prayer for her blanket. I thought that was sweet. I know how much she adores her blanket. She asked for my help...
Me: "Dear Heavenly Father"
Ava: "Dear Henly Fawder"
Me: "Please bless my blanket"
Ava: "Pleeze bless blankie"
Me: "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen"
Ava: "Amen"
Me: "Alright Ava, now hop into bed"
Ava: "No No! I bless my milk"
Ava's next favorite comfort besides her blanket is warm milk. So we bless her milk.
Me: "Goodnight"
Ava: "Wait! Mom, I bless door."
Bless the door? She does get nervous at times when the door has to be shut - her punishment for constantly getting out of bed. I figure it doesn't hurt to appease her.
Me: "Dear Heavenly Father"
Ava: "Dear Henly Fawder"
Me: "Please bless the door"
Ava (jumps up, bright eyed, hands in a 'ta-da' stance): "KNOCK KNOCK!"
Eden and I, along with Ava, bust out laughing. That little turkey!
Me: "Dear Heavenly Father"
Ava: "Dear Henly Fawder"
Me: "Please bless my blanket"
Ava: "Pleeze bless blankie"
Me: "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen"
Ava: "Amen"
Me: "Alright Ava, now hop into bed"
Ava: "No No! I bless my milk"
Ava's next favorite comfort besides her blanket is warm milk. So we bless her milk.
Me: "Goodnight"
Ava: "Wait! Mom, I bless door."
Bless the door? She does get nervous at times when the door has to be shut - her punishment for constantly getting out of bed. I figure it doesn't hurt to appease her.
Me: "Dear Heavenly Father"
Ava: "Dear Henly Fawder"
Me: "Please bless the door"
Ava (jumps up, bright eyed, hands in a 'ta-da' stance): "KNOCK KNOCK!"
Eden and I, along with Ava, bust out laughing. That little turkey!
So stinkin cute!!!
i'm have the biggest smile right now!!!! she is so flippin cute!!!
How adorable! I love it.
Ah,ha,ha! I get it...'knock-knock'! Good one, Ava! Good one.
oh a regular prankster ... just like her daddy.
What a sweetie! I loved it when Liam was that age and so excited to pray. Now bordering age four, he is so against it for some reason.
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