Back in May... Boyfriend and I actually went on vacation together, just the two of us!

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida! Boyfriend had to present some eyeball research at some eyeball conference. His trip was payed for... so I tagged along! The girls were left home with a wonderful babysitter. It was some good times.

This is the view from
our hotel room. The best part of the trip might not have been all the seafood we ate, but the thread count on the sheets we slept on. I have never felt such luxury!

My scientific boyfriend made sure to bring his own project from home. Here he is collecting data from the ocean.

Now analyzing the data collected.
The verdict... his thingamajigs that tell him if his salt water fish tank measures accurately to the salinity of real ocean salt water was measuring waaaaay off. I'm so glad we came all the way to the Atlantic Ocean to solve that mystery. I'm all ready sleeping better.

One day we ditched the eyeball conference and drove down to Key Largo for some snorkeling. I was very happy and pretty excited.

Captain Bob of the catamaran.

On the boat heading out to the ocean.
I had just finished teasing boyfriend about how he
always wants to go snorkeling and boating... but he
always ends up getting sea sick. I never get sick. I think I should have been born a sailor. I love being on the water, in a boat. I never get to do it enough though! You know the carnival rides that just spin you around and around and around and around. I
LOVE them. Maybe I really should have pursued my childhood dream of being an astronaut.

All geared up and ready to see some sea life! We are very cool people.
We saw all the usual stuff like angle fish, puffer fish, parrot fish, trumpet fish, barracudas. And to top it off, boyfriend can die happy now because he spotted his favorite fish... the gorgeous
Queen Angle Fish.

And then this was me the whole boat ride back inland! SICK. I totally had to eat my words... or maybe throw them over board. Everyone else on the trip got to see it too. In the middle of the worst of it (while my head was hanging over the side, and my hands clenching the ropes)... boyfriend smurkingly asked if I wanted him to take a picture because he felt fine right then, and I might want to remember the moment. Then the man behind him told him to
be nice... he he he he he he he he.

The girls were happy with the sea shells we brought home for them. Eden calls them "treasures" and Ava says in a quiet voice with eyebrows raised, "very special".
What fun!!!
That's great that you guys got to get away together! Sounds like great fun!!!
I forgot to ask you how your trip went!! that looks relaxing and so beautiful!! I loved scuba diving Key West...and I got so sick on the boat ride back also.
beautiful... all i can say is when the skies match the ocean water it is breath taking!!!! you look so cute!
That looks so fun! Can you invite me to go with you next time? Just Kidding! It still looks fun.
Yeah for eyeballs!! Cute
I love the first few photos of that sparkly water and soft beach! I want to go to there!
Glad he ditched the conference so you could go snorkeling.
Ian always brings Liam seashells when he goes to the ocean on business... treasures at our house too!
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