After our 2 week Vegas trip, Boyfriend and I couldn't wait to get our hands dirty again in the backyard. Some plants were doing very well, others were not... like the broccoli!
This leaf is actually very mild with the number of worms feeding from it. There were a bazillion of them. We picked each one off and threw them in a bucket. Then they would inch all the way up the sides. Boyfriend thunk smart and just started to squish them on the leaf instead of fumbling to pick each one off. We made an honest attempt to save the broccoli but now a week later, and daily pickings of the worms - I'm sorry to say the broccoli did not survive.
Oh well.
Right at dusk when boyfriend is home from work and the girls are attempting to sleep, we like to go out in the backyard. Fireflies! A ton of them! They are so cool.
So if you were to ask me what I was doing the other night. I could have told you I was outside, all by my lonesome, catching fireflies. It was strange doing that, but also kind of fun.
I'm so impressed with your photography...could you give me some lessons:):) and I still think your fam is gorgeous!!
So....kinda gross story... As a child (I emphasize child) we would run around catching fireflies and smear them on our shirts in the dark. Their "fire" would create a glowing line on our shirts. We thought it was sooooo cooool. Now thinking back not so cool! :) Not to mention the nasty bug guts on our clothes. I can see the laundry now. The things a mother must endure....
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