To help Eden stay reverent in church today, we did some drawing together. But what drawing would be complete without the artist's name?

Eden thought it would be fun for me to write out her first name, and then she could trace over it.

Then she wanted her middle name.
(My mother's name and my middle name. Just so ya know)Then she wanted to write her last name all by herself. She started with the W...

...but it turned out looking like an M. "That's okay," I said. "We can just turn it upside down."

"Now it's a W."
"Oh, I see," said Eden.
She kept the paper upside down, and started to write. I was surprised when I saw she was writing her A...

upside down.
followed by her I, T, and E all upside down.

Then she flipped it back to right side up.

"Eden Gail Waite, she's GREAT!" she exclaimed!
(in a not so reverent voice by the way)
is great! I love every bit of her.
Smart girl! Must run in the family.
That last pic of her is darling. She is a really great little girl.
So cute. I love the story...and love that she is learning to write her name. She is getting so big, and is so darling!
You ought to look up what those sort of smarts say about her. She's going places!
i like you eden!
You've got a Da Vinci on your hands!
EDEN IS GREAT!!!! And clever, too. I don't think I could write my name upside down and have it turn out right.
Plus who couldn't love that cutie pie!
I completely agree!! Her four line E is my favorite!! She really and truely is a very smart and very sweet little girl!
Hi, I don't know you I found you from Stephaie's site and just noticed your post because I saw you have a daughter named Eden. I also have a 5 month old daughter named Eden and think it is so crazy that your Eden and my Eden had the exact same costume for halloween...
I love that last picture of Eden. She looks so peaceful. I can't believe she writes her name and upside down also. She is so so so smart!!!
This from Eden's psychologist grandfather: Upside down and right side up are arbitrary anyway. Who ever said it could only be just one way? Don't worry much about upside down and backward. Especially don't do it in a way that "upside down" is "wrong" and "backward" is "mistaken." Just say something like, "We need to turn those letters over so they'll all match." She'll catch on just fine so long as she doesn't think she's "mistaken." I know this is true because I have four daughters and one son (and I seen scads of other children), each of which wrote her or his letters upside down and backward and never knew the difference. They eventually turned them to match all the others. They're doing just swell now, as evidenced by the kind, sweet mothers they are.
Eden is great. Grandpa O
Hey Carolyn, I just love your blog! Your girls are just way too cute!!!
Looks like I am in for next Thurs. night, dont leave me stranded!! Love the "writing"!! So sweet! See you next week, I think we should get a vote....Harper
She is so adorable.
Way too cute!
That is SO cute! She did a great job.
I found your blog on Christine's blog and wanted to come peek. Hope you don't mind? Your posts are so cute. Way to go on your 5K. Who cares who got to the end first - your awesome for doing it!
love it!!!
she is greeeeeeeeeat! :)
That's so silly but very creative and smart! It sounds like she's got it down.
PS--I like how she draws her "E". Stella does the same thing.
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