Ava as a strawberry who never wore her hat, and Eden as a pink & purple butterfly.

Eden was so excited for "pink & purple day" to finally arrive. These are her two favorite colors. She didn't go as her
favorite animal ~ that would have been a "snake with polka dots".

She thought for sure she'd be able to fly with those wings.

Dad was fun. He warmed them up for trick or treating with tickles.

They love to tickle him back.
Last night was our church's trunk or treat.

Eden was soooo tired. She had fallen asleep on the way there.

Ava had a great time claiming this cat decoration as her own. She walked her new pet all over the place.

The hay ride was awesome... it was so nice of the real live pirate to make an appearance in our picture!

I didn't think about bringing anything to put the candy in! Luckily we had this bucket in the car. It was funny watching her walk around with this huge thing asking for candy.
They look so cute! I just checked out your sister's blog and laughed myself silly at her son's costume!! TOO FUNNY!!
I love the Strawberry and the Pink and Purple Butterfly...very cute! Looks like you had a wonderful time!
Your girls look adorable. I would have been shelling out the candy to those cuties!
You're looking rather cute yourself!
Oh, I love the costumes of your girls. They look so adorable! And on a side note, Carolyn you look fantastic. I love your haircut!
The girls costumes are darling, and it looks like you had a fun night!
Such cute girls and I am loving the bangs.
They look so cute! Looks like a fun Halloween!
Love the bangs you hot mamma!
The girls are darling!
A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!! That's what I have to say about your kiddo's costumes! I'm partial to the strawberry myself.
Cute, cute, cute. Glad you guys had a great time. But... I was wondering, did Aaron break out his traditional scary mask at all this year? It wouldn't be Halloween without it!
I love all your Halloween fun. I especially love the picture at the end with Eden carrying around that big bucket. Jeff and I laughed so hard at that, because that is our life right there, always forgetting the most important parts. Oh well, you made due.
And by the way, I REALLY LOVE your HAIR! Oh my...you look fab with bangs and it a bit longer. Totally new look for you and so dang darling. Good job with your style!
I love ya! Congrats on the run. Don't ever doubt your running. Before you know it, you'll be running a 1/2 marathon thinking it's a cake walk. I'm so dang proud of you.
Cutest costumes! It sounds like Ava was acting like Lucas--no hats. And have I told you how much I LOVE your hair. It's so cute--the length and bangs.
Everyone looks great. I love their costumes. Wishing and hoping you guys will be able to make it for one of the last holidays this year.
How cute is that strawberry costume?!
It is too bad that you don't live closer. With Eden as a butterfly and Gavin as batman they could have flown away together.
Hey Carolyn, you look so hot with bangs! Need to come see you soon.
Since nobody else said it, I'll say it: both girls are cute as a bug! (I'm just cracking myself up.)
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