Let me redeem my husband, shall I?
Once upon a time not too long ago (just the other day), My whole Waite family decided to make their dreaming a reality when we went to Home Depot in order to purchase paint for the kitchen walls. The Home Depot painting man was taking his time mixing the paint, so my family went browsing. It didn't take long for me to end up going one way with Ava while Aaron goes another way with Eden.
I suddenly hear a loud CRASH and SCREAM in the isle next to me. I rush my cart over to see what's all the matter. An old lady (who actually works at Home Depot) is moaning and groaning while being escorted over to a chair by another gentleman. She is holding the left side of her face and as she is walking I can see immediately the swelling and bruising and the blood dripping. Her face seemed to be doubling in size! She is in pain, embarrassed, and scared. Apparently she was trying to help a costumer get down lumber when it all came crashing down on her face.

Super Aaron: "Don't worry Ma'am, I'm a doctor."
Ma'am (with sudden relief in her voice): "Oh, a doctor! I'm so glad! Am I going to be okay?"
Super Aaron: "Every thing is going to be okay, don't you worry. Now this might hurt a little, but I'm going to put pressure on your face to stop the bleeding."
A crowd now formed around the woman and Aaron. I stood their thinking, "wow, I guess he really is a doctor." Huh, go figure. I'd never actually seen him in action like that. I was impressed.
Pretty soon the crowd dwindled. Aaron informed her that she needed to be taken to Urgent Care for some stitches, then home to rest. She hugged and hugged and hugged him again. "Thank you so much! I need your address so I can send you something" she said. "Ah, don't worry. It's my job, it's just what I do," was Aaron's reply.
It was good to see my Super Hero in action. I guess all his years of schooling really did pay off.
I know exactly how you feel. It doesn't matter how many times Ben stops at an accident on the side of the road- I still think its so cool to watch him in his element.
Impressive. Most impressive. Maybe you can even get that kitchen paint for free? Wait.....he is a doctor AND a painter? Wow.
That's an awesome story! I can see him in action and hear him exactly saying those words. I'm sure you were batting your eyes the whole time. It is kind of weird that he REALLY is a doctor--no more med student.
SO cool! I love Aaron. So calm and collect now. He has changed from the kid that couldn't help but bounce from wall to wall in our home growing up.
Wow, impressive! That's awesome. I love the super hero picture! I wonder if Jeromy would do that?? I never really think of him as a doctor in everyday situations--just at work.
Supercalifragilisticexpealidosious! It almost made me tear up a bit. He's a hero. Nice job!
Spencer, Stephanie and I can tell her how to go after Home Depot for Worker's Comp benefits . . . not quite as cool as healing the sick.
That is a great story. Seriously it makes you sad for the lady but kinda happy too. That way you got to see Aaron in action. Now if accidents could only happen all the time...that is kindof a demented thought now isn't it?!
This made me laugh so hard. You're a great story teller. It's just like something out of the movies. All you were missing was a jimmy rigged something-or-other that he was able to use to restart her failing heart. Love it!
That's awesome! I would be swooning if that were Tom. It's just not as exciting thinking of him coming to the rescue of a web-site crash ;)
After reading this I could not stop laughing out loud. My Angelina had to come over and see what I was laughing about. This is hilarious. I can literally see Aaron in action and being so calm. He is "Mr Incredible!" Don't we all wish we were like AARON!!!!!
Way to go Aaron.. I'm so impressed as well. That is so awesome that he was so calm. I guess all the "student loan" debt really is worth it. :)
p.s. i love how cleaver you are
What a lucky lady to have Aaron right there!
PS- I love the superman picture. Seems to fit!
Carolyn, that's a great story. quite funny. I have a quick question about the picture -- Does Aaron really still have those superman underoos he got when he was a kid??
I really need to get to bed-I've been blog surfing, and I decided to end my night with your blog entries-thanks for the laugh-your super-hero-doctor-husband is so cute. I miss you guys...
Carolyn, you are so funny. This story really cracked me up. The thing that most impressed me is that Aaron was able to find towels in Home Depot!!! I can never find anything in that store. I was also wondering if doctors can just take anything they want and use it without consequence as long as it is in the name of medicine....like when a cop sequesters a vehicle and then it gets destroyed. If he can, that is so cool. This is Jen B.
That is a great story!!I love it!!David rescued a baby at Wendy's about 3 days after he graduated and i couldnt make myself tell the lady next to me "its ok, he's a doctor". So I just stood there and watched him!! We forget what they do all day i guess and that they do know i alot more than we give them credit for!!Harper
What a great story. Isn't it the best when we can brag about our husbands! I love to see mine doing his thing. It's great! You tell wonderful stories. I love your blog. Oh...to be like Carolyn! :)
"It's my job, it's just what I do." Love it!
Too bad he didn't have a suture kit on hand, too!
Oh that's the best line ever
"don't worry ma'am, I'm a doctor". Aaron's mad doctor skills are working everywhere - Home depot, getting him out of tickets, and I personally like him for helping me with Evan's eye problems. Props to Aaron!
What a great story. Thanks for sharing!
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