Happy 9 year Anniversary to Aaron & me! Without fail, every year about this time, I start daydreaming of our amazing Honeymoon to a third world country, Belize. I actually posted pictures last year about it... wait, did I just say last year? I've been writing my blog for a whole stinkin' year??? Cool.
Love you, boyfriend!
Congrats! I hope you have a wonderful anniversary. You deserve it!
Happy Anniversay!! Love the flowers
Is your anniversary today?!?!? Mine too! Congratualtions!
Happy Anniversary you two love birds. =)
Congrats! Beautiful flowers.
Happy anniversary!!! Those are beautiful flowers, I can almost smell them through the screen.
Those are gorgeous! I am the same way where I always thought flowers were a big waste of money..... until I got some. Now I love love love them.
Happy anniversary! I hope your day was amazing. Any more exotic trips in your future?
Happy day to you and your boyfriend! Do you and Tammy share the same special love day? Congrats Carrow + Superhero Aaron!
9 years!! Say it isn't so. How come the years go by so quickly? Someday you will be a grandma wondering where the time went. Congrats and Kutos to Aaron for the perfect flowers.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! I'm glad the love is still alive! Hope you were able to celebrate!
Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl! Congratulations.
Happy Anniversary. Way to go Aaron! Those flowers are beautiful. You two are an amazing couple and you make really really cute kids.
Maybe you can do something special like Belize for the big 10 coming up next year?
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