A couple of days ago, Ava was following me around the house with this getup. That's when I decided it was about time we found a sandy beach somewhere.
Aaron had this Saturday off, so we went about 70 miles or so east to Placid Lake in Chickasaw State Park.

Here's Ava phoning all her peoples, telling them she'll be unavailable for the rest of the day.

And here is Eden doing cheers of joy that we are finally doing something fun together as a family.

I wish I was better at being an "undercover photographer". I really wanted to capture what we see so much of out here. I don't know if you can really tell what this picture is about, so I'll just tell you what I saw. I was waiting for Aaron who was inside a tiny gas station. *Note the ancient gas pumps*. In drives this beat up truck, coughing and puttering . Barely made it up to the pump. I see three not so happy women
SQUISHED in the front seat. One steps out to pump the gas and starts cussing , while the others light up their cigarettes.

I mean, that NO SMOKING sign is pretty hard to read, and how else would they know that gasoline and fire don't go well together? I had the thought, "ya knows, those them thar peoples is reelly intelijunt!"

Then we made it to our destination and got to work with important things like sand castles.

The girls had a great time playing in the sun. We did get in the water. I don't have any pictures, because that would consist of me in a bathing suit. None of you are that lucky.

When we were all in the water, Eden asked if there were any fish? We told her yes, but they probably liked to stay out in the deep end.
I didn't want to worry her. But just then Aaron felt and saw fish all around his legs. I immediately had to put on my poker face and act like that was a great thing when really I just wanted to get out of that dirty mucky fishy water! I know, I'm so brave.

We chased around a butterfly. It must have thought that was fun because it stuck around for a while.

And when we stood really still, it would even land on out feet.

A bonding moment.

While playing in the sand, Eden found a treasure! A "precious" ring.
One Ring To Rule Them All!

We walked down this really really really long bridge.

Luckily there was a spot to rest and carve our names.
They're cute.

We had a little picnic lunch at a really really big picnic table. And then two seconds after this picture was taken, Ava fell over backwards, smack on her head. She now has a gargantuous red goose egg to remind her what a fun filled day we had.
That looks like a fun weekend day. Your girls are just too cute....
I'm jealous! It's been raining nonstop for the last 3 days and it's only 65 F here in Colorado.
But I'm glad you had such a nice time together as a family. =)
First. Ava's outfit so cute. Second. Smoking at the gas pump...seriously?! Third. Finding that ring is awesome!
you take the greatest pictures! I love the butterfly one.. mine would have been all blury ;)
thanks for your comment on my blog.. it means a lot!
We wants it, my precious! Stupid hobbitses, tricksy hobbitses, always keeping it from us... yes, my precious. We wants it!
Holy Huge Butterfly, Batman! I can't believe that come in XXL! Those are really cute pictures.
I am glad Eden remembered me! I was just asking Cathy on Thursday if you were planning on anymore trips. I need a trim, but it is actually growing out way cute and I love the cut you gave me. I have never had a haircut grow out this well. You must be some kind of hair genius. Maybe you should go on Shear Genius.
Way too cute! I can't believe the butterfly either. How fun? I am going to be at Cathy's on October 2 -- too bad you won't be there. I need a Shear Genius cut too! I might have to fly out and see you! Well, I better get back to packing for vacation. Talk to you soon.
Delightful, delovely, delicious. Good memories. Do it all again (except for the fire at the gas pumps). The best I can tell, the heiroglyphs on the ring are in reformed Egyptian. It think it was left by Moroni when he was dragging the golden plates from down in Central America to New York. Maybe not. Grandpa O
Sand and sun = always fun. Great family trip! Hope the goose egg bump heals fast (nothing Aaron could have done for that one, huh??).
It really does sound like a perfect day - well, minus Ava's gymnastics.
I hope you take all the sistas to these fun places when we have our get-together. I'm especially hoping for a huge gas station blow up!
Give your girlies some love from me and tell them they're cutie pies! Okay, you can tell Aaron he's a nice guy, too. Give yourself a huge bear hug from me and a kiss on the cheek, 'cuz you're one of my favorites!
How is it that I've lived here forever and don't know about that place? You've got skillz for finding fun stuff like that. I'm glad you guys had a fun day and such cute pics.
Looks beautiful and fun!! Love the beach.
Cool butterfly pictures! I'm so with you on "dirty mucky fishy water." I only swim in pools. I love the whole ring thing!
What a sad ending to such a fun day. This was a fun post to read. Awesome precious ring. Very cool.
Yeah, I was driving through my neighborhood the other day and saw a man with a gas can in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Brilliant!
I'm glad you got the hint from Ava and her beach-themed outfit. They are so cute. I love Eden's hair...so cute that short! Give the big goose egg on Ava's head a kiss from me.
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