The "Bird's Nest"
Who else watched all 4.5 hours of the Opening Ceremony for the Olympic Games in Beijing? I loved all of it. The things they did were incredible, artistic, and symbolic. I guess I'm just excited because I just finished watching it... so there you go. Hope you didn't miss it!
i did, i did!! Can i say W o W....
breath taking!
I totally missed it!!! One of our friends is on the Olympic Committee -- NOW, I am going to be in real trouble. Do you think I could have thought to TIVO it? Good Grief -- what happened to being able to think of it all and do it all? So many questions. I am so glad you enjoyed it! In fact, I think when we see our friend next month, and he asks me what I thought, I am going to tell him that my friend Carolyn, who is my Virtual Best Friend's Sister, LOVED it! Maybe then he won't notice that I didn't watch it. LOL!
I watched almost all of it. I fell asleep at the end during the parade of countries. The costumes were beautiful and everything was so creative, colorful, and symbolic. I loved it too!
I was able to watch the first few hours while eating Chinese food at a friends house. Beautiful.
I've never seen anything like it -- likely never will again.
We missed it!!! But I wish I didn't becuase i love the opening ceremony. I heard it was amazing.
4.5 and could have gone for 4.5 more! LoVeD it! : )
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