When Ava woke up from her nap I put her back in the bathtub. Corn starch was recommended. I have that on hand, so I thought we would try it...
...Unfortunately, it didn't work. Probably because I had already washed it four times previously? I wanted to run to the store for Goo-Be-Gone (another recommendation), but my husband said he wouldn't allow that. He is always so conservative. Maybe what he doesn't know won't hurt him...
But come on!!! Isn't she hilarious? I love this kid.
That is the best! Love the Billy Idol doo!
It's a nice day for a white wedding.
Oh crud that is so dang cute....sorry it didn't work....and isn't baitchin your boyfriend? Seems to me that his sister is names farleen?!
So here are more ideas...like baby oil, rc cola, egg etc... hope one works
She looks hilarious! Reminds me a tiny bit of a picture you posted a while ago of your Natalie Maines stage! Wow, I would have thought a good shampoo would cut through the grease, but I guess not! I think it will eventually just come out after a few days of washing.
I was going to make some smart comment about billy idol... but then someone else already did.
These pictures are AWESOME. And the peanut butter ones are great too. What an exciting day.
Would it be bad to pour corn starch all over Thomas and Clara's head just so I can get some pictures like that! Those are way too funny!
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