I had a meeting with another gal from church. She brought her 3 yr old son, Payton. Eden rushed him back into the playroom and shut the door. We could hear them having a great time. But then some of the things we heard perked up my ears!...
3 Separate Conversations all within a 7 minute moment:
Eden: Hey I have to go tinkle. Do you want to help me go tinkle? Do you want to help me?
Payton: Sure.
Payton: Sure.
and that very instant I butted in to take over. "Thanks for being so willing to help, Payton, but I got it covered from here."
Eden: Hey, boy. Want to play in the bathtub? It will be fun, come on, let's go.
Payton: Okay.
Mom: Hey, I know, you two can have a "snackandjuice" and watch a show now.
Scene: Eden & Payton sitting next to each other on the couch watching 101 Dalmations sipping on snacks and juice.
Eden (scooting closer and closer): Will you give me tickles, boy? Will you tickle me?
Payton: Go away! Leave me alone!
In Eden's defense, she was exhausted and way over due for a nap. Can you blame her for wanting some snuggles?
Mother of Payton: So what kind of girl are you raising?
Mother of Eden: A friendly one?

Payton: Okay.
Mom: Hey, I know, you two can have a "snackandjuice" and watch a show now.
Scene: Eden & Payton sitting next to each other on the couch watching 101 Dalmations sipping on snacks and juice.
Eden (scooting closer and closer): Will you give me tickles, boy? Will you tickle me?
Payton: Go away! Leave me alone!
In Eden's defense, she was exhausted and way over due for a nap. Can you blame her for wanting some snuggles?
Mother of Payton: So what kind of girl are you raising?
Mother of Eden: A friendly one?
Just for picture sake, here is Ava with her friend Caleb. They got to hang out with each other all day while his mom was getting things squared away for her wedding last week! They both walked around playing & talking gibberish to each other and neither letting go of his/her blankie.
Way to start her young! I like that she went from potty to bath to tickling all with in ten minutes.
Plus after the hard day of flirting who wouldn't want "snackandjuice?"
oh, that is a crackup!!! what a hilarious girl you have!
I love how she called him "boy"!
Love all your fun posts! I love the tinkle part!! :)
Hilarious. Eden is a doll.
Friendly, eh? So that is what they are calling it these days.
Too funny & cute! Love the botom photo ; )!
Well, how could she not be a flirt when she is the daughter of the all-time-pro!
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