Saturday was the first day that really felt like Spring was in the air!

Now onto other business: While outside sweeping up the patio and picking up debris from the tornado, I started getting very excited for gardening season fast approaching. Yes!

We moved into our house in the middle of summer last year and too late to start a very productive vegetable garden. I have big plans for this time around by constructing a raised bed to house some produce such as...
Green Onions (Scallions)Carrots
Bell Peppers
Strawberries (in hanging baskets)
This is quit the list, a little ambitious, especially for a beginner gardener... okay more like a first time, just starting, never have done this before gardener. This is where I'm calling all of you out there who know more than me! That would be all of you. Any tips or opinions to help me out? Too vague? Um, well I guess I just really want to know who out there like to garden and then I might attack you with all my questions personally.
I forgot to tell you that I have a couple good books about gardening if you'd like to borrow them.
Go to a good (read: pricey) nursery. They will hold your hand and help you to pick out what will work for you. Gardening is so therapeutic, you'll love it! I bet things will grow like crazy where you are!
Eden and Ava are the cuttest little girls! Wow! A vegetable garden? That must be fun. You have lots on your hands with the veggies! Good luck!
I always thought that having a veg. garden sounded like fun. But, I know nothing about gardening. (You should ask my mom...she is a pro at gardening.)
One more thing. Ava shirt is sooo cute it looks like the old apple computer stickers.
In the area where you plan to build your planter boxes, start working compost or manure into the soil now. Good soil is essential to keep weeds to a minimum - we hardly had any last year. We also have our own composter (i.e. a garbage bin with holes drilled in it) where we throw all or our peelings, etc. Garden boxes are great - easy to weed, fertilize, etc.
Start with peas. They're the easiest to grow, and you can plant them right now pretty much (I've planted mine already, but it's pretty warm here). Personally, I don't like them much when I have to buy them at the store, but I love them fresh picked.
See if you have a garden coop out there. We have one in Vegas with a hotline where master gardeners will answer any questions you have and will even do demonstrations for small and large groups if you ask. Maybe the next time your in Vegas. If you want the number let me know.
You dont make three layer birthday cakes in your spare time........Heavens yes, i bought that sucker!! Is residency over yet?? So will Erin be providing vegetable lunches for the guys this summer??
I think you might be too late to start planting strawberries. But there are lots of places not far from you where you and your girls can go and pick them. Then get Mar and Nana to show you how to make the most delicious and EASY strawberry jam ever.
Good luck with the garden. I had planned on doing one this year but new baby trumps playing in the dirt. There's always next year.
Funny that you might bring this subject up... We are having a ward activity on March 22nd & it is ALL on gardening!!! I will copy the info & send it to you if there is any good stuff! Good Luck... This is not my department~ :)
Your girls looked cute though in the grass!
Have i told you about our $432.00 eggplant? I'll wait till fall, I don;t want to discourage you. However, I can safely say, do not take any advice from me on gardening. I am envious of your spring weather and your cute, cute girls!
Ava is such a doll! I want to start a vegetable garden too this summer. Maybe we could coach each other.
What happened to the 70 degree weather from Saturday? Does Ava have a snow suit Causey can borrow, we need to go to the store!! Welcome to the South, ya'll!!
Cute pictures of your girls! Hope your yard wasn't too messed up after the tornadoes. Happy gardening, that is not my department (Chad probably wishes it was) so good luck and hope you get some good advice.
I love all the photos! I am so jealous of your weather- COME SPRING, come please!
I Love your garden picks! I can't wait- I want to run some dirt through my hands!
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