This is Aaron's grandfather's hutch. His mother inherited it, but didn't have enough room in her already gorgeous house and asked us if we would like it. I said I would love to, as long as she was okay with me maybe painting it - totally changing it. Being the wonderful mother-in-law she is, she gave me permission.
The hard part was convincing Aaron that it would be a good idea. We have had this piece now for over a year. I have pondered on the idea of what to do with it for quiet sometime... and I finally settled with it staying the same. It would be a lot of work to redo this.
But it was while folding laundry and watching "D-D-D-D-D-Dora" for the billionth time that I got up the courage. With screwdriver in hand I began taking down the doors, and even carefully getting the glass fronts off. Aaron came home to an already done deal.
I explained to him it wouldn't change our wonderful memory of a wonderful grandfather, and then he said, "okay".
So let the project begin!
So what is the plan. Please do share. Keep us posted.
Good luck on the very large piece of furniture. I am sure that it will look fabulous! Plus I laughed at the D-D-D-D-DORA. Really who says their name like that? Good luck.
xoxo H-H-H-H-Hannah
Ooh, what are you going to do with it??? I just finished re-doing a hutch myself. People thought I was crazy for painting an oak hutch black, but I went for it and I love it now!
Very ambitious! I can't wait to see what it looks like when you're finished and the dust clears!
I'm painting it an off white and then slightly distressing it. Also I want to wallpaper the back of the inside, but I'm still looking for just the right one.
Ruth, I'm so glad to hear you have done the same thing. That's encouraging when lots of others have told me not to do it.
I am excited to see the results and the process.
I used to work with a gal who had a bay girl. Her then two year old daughter didn't like the new baby, in fact she kept trying to put her outside. One day she even stuck almost a whole roll of stamps on her and tried to drag the car seat out to the mailbox.
Being a clever Mama, she decided to let her oldest rename the new baby.
What did she choose? You guessed it, D-D-D-Dora. They really did rename their baby Dora, hoping the other daughter would then like her. Crazy, but true!
I was checking my site meter and saw your site. Love the hutch.......I think you should paint it a creamy mine of course.
Your daughters are darling, so cute. I love the connection you have with your family and your husbands. Touching story about his grandfather.
nice blog.
You are so ambitious... where can I get some? I am sure it'll look great since you have such great taste... Can't wait to see what it looks like when you are done!
Oh, I am so looking forward to seeing what you end up doing with that hutch!! Good for you for recognizing that it is more honourable to alter a piece into something you truly love, as opposed to having it in your home and halfway resenting its presence (though I'm not saying that's the case with yours!).
Good luck with it and Happy New Year to you and your sweet family!
Sweet! Goodluck on that project of yours. I'll be waiting to see the progress.
Oh wait...did you ask me for permission? Just kidding. Okay, I'm a little sadden but I must move forward. You are good at redoing furniture so I know it will come out looking great.
Carolyn!!! It is Celeste Boyack! I found your blog off of Curry and Lindsay Leavitt's. I hope all is well. Take Care!
I am excited to see the results. This is no small project, good luck brave one. I am not that great at re-doing furniture, I think mostly because I don't enjoy it?! I think I have taken up this endeavor 3 times, worked out fine. My daughter wants me to paint her sleigh bed, waiting for the warmer weather.
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