All my free time, as of late, has been working on the hutch and watching
Prison Break (
I watch at night when the girls are in bed.) I'm planning on painting the hutch an off white and distressing it slightly. Then I would also like to wallpaper the inside. Yes, I realize this project is going to take a while...

...but this is as far as I've gotten! Two doors out of four are painted. It takes many coats of the paint to get the coverage I'm looking for. So maybe this time next year I will finally be posting the finished project. Unless, anyone is dying to come over and help out???

I also have run into a little bit of a snag with this thingy-ma-bob. I don't want it on the hutch. I thought I could just pop out some nails and there you go. Nope, this sucker is fully glued down. Maybe you can see the damage I already have caused her? But she is going to have to come off. Does anyone have a magical idea on how to accomplish this with few casualties?
Hey I found your site off of the Nackos blog! It is so fun to see what you're up too and to see your cute family! You crack me up so hard!!! I mean are you kidding me?? What a project! I wouldn't want that thing on there either but, how the heck are you going to remove it!! lol :)
I can't wait to see the finished project! I would come and help but living in Washington wouldn't get me their any time soon! :)
Good Luck!
maybe J.Paul or Reed will have an idea of what to do about this. It may be time to consult the men.
I was thinking that since you are going to paint it and it seems to be held on by glue....try ascetone. Just make sure you don't drip it any place that may take out color or finish.
I'm proud of you for taking on such a time consuming, yet rewarding project. Please post the "after" pictures. Good luck girl! Lova ya!
What about burning I'm not kidding. Try one of those wood burning tool thingies or a saudering iron to melt the glue. Or you could try sanding it. Good Luck!
BTW, the actor who plays T-bag does a very good job. VERY creepy!
You go girl!!!!
Hey Carolyn, after watching "Prison Break", why don't you drill holes in strategic spots to weaken the wood!
you could try a chisel and pop it off in pieces (like you kinda had already). then sand it REALLY well. my live-in contractor said make sure you sand with the grain of the wood. lotsa luck. if you can potty train, you can do this.
I like the thing-a-ma-bop. If you paint it white it will look very shabby chic.
Caution Carolyn!!
My husband says from his experience--do not listen to my technical expertise, or try any of my suggestions.
Sorry sweetie!
Carolyn, all I have to offer is luck. I can't wait to see the finished product- even if it is in a year. ; )!
put a stain blocking primer on it first (zinnser or kilz...). I've found from experience that it's difficult to paint stained wood white without primer - unless you want to put 5 coats of paint on it.
Then paint, distress as usual. got a lot of good help! And all I did was tell you to take it off and sit idly by on the phone while you chipped that first chunk off and got stuck! :)
I know nothing about what to do next, but I will be happy to talk to you on the phone some more while you do it! :)
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