August 8, 2010

Celebration Up in the Sky

Aspen, Boyfriend, Emory and some yummy birthday food

My Babies' Daddy had a birthday on Aug. 3rd.  We celebrated with his sister and family that live here in Denver!  They are so great and it has been wonderful spending time with family after being away for so long.  Boyfriend also has a brother that lives in Colorado Springs that we have gotten to see as well.  Life is good.

Emory is totally stoked about those cupcakes. Eden and Ava ADORE their cousins.  It really tickles my heart when they get so excited to see and spend time with them!
The girls drew their Daddo a birthday card in the backyard.  Do you see the tree, the mountains with a rainbow above them... and the little chickadee... with permanent marker!?  I wonder if the owners of our rental will know who did that?

On the 7th of August it was Boyfriend and my 11 year anniversary!  We celebrated by loading up the whole family and drove up the highest paved road in the U.S. to the top of Mount Evans.
Can you see the city waaaay out there?  I could tell you this was taken from the very top, but that would be lying and I try not to lie.  We were only 1 mile from the top, but we couldn't go any farther!  We were all getting altitude sickness.  The babies were having a hard time breathing, we were nauseated, headaches, feeling faint, our legs were tingling... We would have turned around earlier, but there wasn't any room or place to do so on the ROAD OF SUDDEN DEATH!  Any tiny malfunction of the wheel and we could have fallen FOREVER!
So we turned off the side of the road at the first place we saw and settled for this outlook.  It was fantastic.  Then we speedily got back in the car and drove down to a lower elevation.


McMarkle said...

Nice work on being married 11 yrs :) that road to the top of the world looks sweet. I am glad you all didn't die. Nice pictures.

Dan said...

That looks beautiful. What an awesome drive.
Congratulations on 11 years!

Joe and Liz said...

Oh how I miss the west. It is beautiful there. Glad you're having a blast!! We miss you guys!

Darleen said...

Looks so much fun!! Wish I could be there. Congrats on 11.

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