We've had "the flu" around here. It has completely NOT been the best time of our lives! You know how it is when the mom of the house is sick... nothing gets done! The house looks like a war zone, no one gets fed or cleaned, and all day long the television is on.
We are finally on the mends though! Things are looking up and we've survived!
Boyfriend is the only one who came out never getting it. Probably because he immediately put himself on Tamiflu.
He is now out on one of his interviews for fellowship year which will start this July. It will be a one year fellowship in Cornea. And then we will be DONE!!!!!!!!!
Places he has interview so far:
Places he will be interviewing in the next few weeks:
Oklahoma City
We won't find out where the lucky spot will be until December 15th! Joy.
I'm voting for Portland! Then maybe you would decide to stay in beautiful Oregon huh?
Glad your "smelling" and feeling better.
My vote is Portland too! I think that would round out a Vegas girl quite nicely. Good Luck!
I'm going to go with Denver, it is beautiful and you guys would love it! :) Glad your on the mend, having the flu stinks!
Advice from one TWINcess to another TWINcess: TAKE THE TAMIFLU ASAP if you unfortunately get the flu again. I had a bad strain of the flu about a month ago, suffered for a week, then went on the Tamiflu treatment and instantly started turning the corner. I triple verified that it wouldn't be harmful to the babes, and I was reassured that it wasn't. Glad you are feeling better, and trust me next time about the Tam-treatment. How are you feeling these days in terms of pregnancy? Love ya Carrow Bone Marrow!
How funny, I JUST e-mailed you five minutes ago, wondering about your fellowship! Let us know when he'll be in Denver.
I REALLY sorry if we were the cause of your illness!
You must be in suspense about where you are going. I hope you can handle suspense better that I can. It drives me crazy!
i'm hop'in portland too!!! i would be an hour away!!! :)
I'm glad you are all feeling better. It was fun to catch up the other day...it'd been too long. And I don't care what anyone else says about were you should go for fellowship...you belong here in OK with me. We would make the best neighbors once again! I miss you!
We are so rooting for Denver. There is already cool people living here, so you would fit right in! Keep us posted.
Sorry you girls have been sick. That is really miserable. Glad the hubby skipped it though.
Very exciting about your new future location! I'm from Indy. Your girls would love the children's museum there!
Hopefully you'll move to denver. That would be fun!
Denver. I think there are lots of us Shoreliners in CO now. We should have a reunion...This is random, but I saw Bishop and Sister Jones in the Draper temple when we were in Utah. They're so awesome!
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