But I have a story to tell. A couple months ago, while Eden was in preschool, I decided to swing by Walgreens with Ava. I only needed one thing and it was urgent. Even though it was raining I dragged Ava into the store with me. Ava rode in the big basket part of the shopping cart. So there she sat, in her throne, while I wheeled us over to grab my item and quickly stood in line to pay.
Luckily there was one little old lady in front of us. "Should be quick," I thought. But it wasn't. The cashier needed to locate the price on this lady's purchase and blah blah blah. So the old lady's attention quickly turned to Ava. They talked all about Ava's dress, Ava's purse, Ava's lip gloss (which she is constantly applying). Then the conversation between the old lady and Ava evolved into what a good helper she was to her momma while shopping. Ava proudly held up my one item in the basket for the old lady to behold.
"Oh!", the lady said, and quickly looked up at me with bugged out eyes.
"You think another one?!" - she asked me.
Yes, my one item was a pregnancy test. "Uh, well, I guess that's what we will soon find out," I replied with a forced grin. I didn't like my business discussed. I mean my husband didn't even know yet.
Today I had my first ultrasound appointment. I told the tech what my four year old had said, and to please make sure there is only one heart beat.
This is what she found:
TECH: "Here are your two babies"
ME: "Whaaaaaaat?"
TECH: "Your two babies, your twins."
ME: "You are kidding, what are you talking about?!?!" (at this point I'm shaking)
TECH: "I thought you were kidding with me, saying your four year old said your having twins. I thought you might have already had an ultrasound and knew!"
She then had to ask me to try and hold still, so she could get the heart beats.
She really did find two! I really am having TWINS! ...and I haven't been the same since.
Luckily there was one little old lady in front of us. "Should be quick," I thought. But it wasn't. The cashier needed to locate the price on this lady's purchase and blah blah blah. So the old lady's attention quickly turned to Ava. They talked all about Ava's dress, Ava's purse, Ava's lip gloss (which she is constantly applying). Then the conversation between the old lady and Ava evolved into what a good helper she was to her momma while shopping. Ava proudly held up my one item in the basket for the old lady to behold.
"Oh!", the lady said, and quickly looked up at me with bugged out eyes.
"You think another one?!" - she asked me.
Yes, my one item was a pregnancy test. "Uh, well, I guess that's what we will soon find out," I replied with a forced grin. I didn't like my business discussed. I mean my husband didn't even know yet.
A week ago I asked Eden, my four year old, if she thought we were having a boy baby or a girl baby. Eden's reply was, "You have two babies inside you, Mom. Two boy babies." She said it so matter of fact, it caught me off guard. Luckily, no one in my family has had twins, so I laughed at such an idea.
Today I had my first ultrasound appointment. I told the tech what my four year old had said, and to please make sure there is only one heart beat.
This is what she found:

ME: "Whaaaaaaat?"
TECH: "Your two babies, your twins."
ME: "You are kidding, what are you talking about?!?!" (at this point I'm shaking)
TECH: "I thought you were kidding with me, saying your four year old said your having twins. I thought you might have already had an ultrasound and knew!"
She then had to ask me to try and hold still, so she could get the heart beats.
She really did find two! I really am having TWINS! ...and I haven't been the same since.
Two things...
1. Congratulations!
2. Holy Crap.
(I think it's kind of cool)
Oh, I am sooooo excited for you!! Having twins is a special experience. Don't feel bad if you are scared... :) Maybe you aren't... but I sure was. You will be wonderful!!
And if they are boys, it will even up the boy/girl ratio. And I will be creeped out by Eden's prediction...
Congrats Carolyn!!! Mar called me last night with the news. WOW! So I thinking, Aaron really needs to get that fellowship here so you guys can move to Peachtree City and I can help you with those BABIES! Love you girlie!
yeah, holy crap.
What did Aaron say?
I have hoped for twins with no luck.
oops in all the shock i forgot congratulations!
so congratulations!
So what other things can Eden predict? You could stand to make quite a bit of money here...
Congrats, that's a crazy story.
i am SOOOOO excited for you..welcome to the club. I have a great book that I have been needing to pass on to someone. So it goes to you. I have a ton of twin tips...yippee for you...CONGRATS
That was a fun and exciting story even up to the positive preg. test - I teared up a little when I found out it was twins! Congrats you guys - what a happy little home you have!
WOW! and HOORAY!!! Congrats to you guys! When are you due? (and are they boy?) =)
Wow!! Congrats! and...Oh My! all at the same time. Do you know the gender yet? Amazing what little minds know - she nailed it right on the head.
Good luck! Thinking of you! Some things happen and you're never the same.:}
HOORAY!!! I am sooo excited for you. My little bro and his wife are preggos with twins right now, too. Maybe you'll be like one of my friends who had 2 girls and then got pregnant with twin boys and evened out the family!! When are you due???
I am excited for you!! There is something special about twins that no one can really explain. It isn't the same as having babies close together, despite what people may think. It is really neat and you are going to LOVE it!!! I could go on with all the special things about twins...I will spare you but you are in for the time of your life!! Congratulations!!
WOW!! How exciting and crazy!! The funny thing is that Eden announced to preschool yesterday that her mom was having 2 babies and I almost had a talk with her about telling the truth! :) I actually meant to tell you after so you could talk to her about stretching the truth - but she was telling the truth after all! I'll be giving her a call next time I get pregnant to find out about number and gender! :) Anyway, CONGRATS again! So fun!!!
P.S. Just from my limited experience with Eden and observing you as a mom - you are going to do great! :)
Carolyn, we are so excited for you and your family! I hope Eden is right, to little boy babies would be great with those little girls:)Kris
Wow...so Eden predicted it huh! That's amazing. I'm so excited for your family...and I love the sweet ultrasound pictures! Oh my gosh...can you believe it?! Exciting!!!!!
Okay, that is so crazy...And I did start to cry when I read it(I am still hormonal from just having a baby:))...The fact that Ava knew...CRAZY...You will do great, I hope that you feel well and I hope you can get a nap EVERY day:):):) Congrats, and Lots of Love
Awesome! Congratulations!!! It is amazing what a 4 yr. old knows. What a great adventure you have in store. I'm so excited for your family.
Congrats! We are so excited for you! There is nothing better than twin boys. Double the trouble, double the fun.
ooooooooooh my goodness, i'm DYING! congrats, that is amazing news! congrats and best of luck with everything!!
ok i had to leave another comment after I read your post AGAIN. You are going to be awesome...it really is so much fun. You wont be able to picture you life without them. Seriously there is nothing else like it. oh find the diaper deals NOW
HOLY CRAP!!! congratulations!!!! and good luck! i have a cousin and a couple friends with twinners. if you want their email addresses to ask your million and 1 questions, let me know.
Carolyn, holy cow!! Congratulations, that is so awesome. That is a crazy story. :)
So awesome!! Congrats!
Wow, that's amazing news. Congratulations!!! Carolyn, you'll be awesome! Lot's of hugs...
Along with everyone else....WOW and CONGRATS. I can't think of a better person to handle that!
CONGRATS!! If anyone can do it, you can. How exciting!!!!
WOW! Congrats again! You will be the best mother of twins ever! Good luck!
That is a great story! I am so excited for your family! You have done two already, twins will be a breeze for a seasoned mama like yourself! YAY!
OH MY HECK. i just thought, "oh fun little girls getting into trouble" oh my heck i was so excited for you when i saw that you were pregnant. seriously twins. i think hevenly father is sending them down by 2's. you will be the best mom ever. hope you will get atleast 1 boy!!! :)
xo xo
That is right, love. You will never be the same because you have been given a precious gift. XOXO
Congratulations-your life may end up more like mine than you would like, sweetie! I am happy and excited for you...breathe, breathe, you will be fantastic!
I had to check your blog, because Aaron told Clint on their bike ride. HOLY COW!!!!!YIYE!! If you do have two boys, you can come on over here to practice the shock and awe experience. Aw, nevermind with those two extra mothers in the house they'll get all the rough edges bossed right out of them. Congratulations!!
YAY!! Oh my goodness that is incredible. The souls of little children are amazing. Congrats Carolyn!! I'm so happy for you! Sorry you have to miss the marathon, but at least you have 2 little babies coming!
Congratulations! These two little souls will be so blessed to have you as their mother - I guess you will find out soon if it is two boys?
WOW!!! Congrats! How doubly exciting! And crazy! That same thing just happened to another friend of mine! How fun to have two babies, and two big helpers. How are you feeling?
I am so excited for you Carolyn. Ramir saw on Facebook the other day that you were having twins and I've been thinking of you since then. Many times since I've had Cole I've given mental kudos to moms of multiples for their hard work...and I know you will do a wonderful job just as you've been doing with Eden and Ava. I'm so excited to hear of your new escapades. And...look into having a boy/boys...they are fantastic. Congratulations!
WOW, congratulations! That's crazy that Eden knew! I can't believe you're going to go from two kids to four kids in one fell swoop!
I know, I know. I'm floored!! But so excited for your family. I've been trying to call you and want to talk. So do they know if they are identical?? I do hope you have boys. My boys would love it! Maybe you are a double egg dropper. :))
That is THE best news ever!!!! I have to tell you that I actually heard it first straight from Nickel at my baby shower on Saturday...and I honestly thought about you more than a few times that night because I am just so thrilled for you! Congrats Carrow, and I can only imagine all the conversing we will have to do when it comes down to raising our little twins! I'll have your back if you'll have mine! I think you will be giving me far more tips though being the pro mom that you already are! And PS-when can you move back to LV so that our twins can play together all the time?! Love you and congratulations, it is going to be one amazing experience that I know for sure.
Congrats! That's so exciting!!!
Sounds like the fun is going to double at your house! So fab....
I have found that our children are closer to heaven than we think. Your Eden must have been "told" first. What an amazing story. Congratulations to you and your beautiful family!
WOW!!! That is amazingly awesome news! Congratulations to you guys! I have my own little theory on those that have twins...they are ALWAYS incredible women, ones who can take on anything and succeed...and yes you would be one of those! Just think, two babies out of one pregnancy! Now that's a good deal!
How exciting, Carolyn! Good luck!!
Love, Carrie
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