I was having a Primary presidency meeting at my house. There were three other mothers sitting, with me, around the kitchen table. Eden, Ava, and another cute 3 year old were running about playing. They went outside to play. We could all see them from the windows. After a while I went out to bring them a popsicle...
...and that's when I couldn't find Ava...
For the next 30 minutes, I along with the other 3 women at my house, searched and called for this two year old. I looked in every room, every corner, under every bed, in every closest, bathtub, shower. We ran around outside, knocked on neighbors' doors, some drove around the neighborhood. Nothing. I was panicked and terrified and confused how this could happen.
The police were called. I was in the process of calling my husband (but couldn't mental think how to do so) when one women went into my garage. It was dark. All the lights were out. She opened the car door. And there was Ava. Sitting in her sister's car seat, just a happy camper. She didn't even look scared, worried, or like she had been crying!
Neighbors were notified and profusely thanked. The five police cars that arrived were also thanked and luckily they were all understanding. I was so grateful that if this had to happen, I had those other women at my house. I was like a chicken with her head cut off, running around not knowing what to do.
She can't open the car door by herself. I think the four year old might have left the door opened. Talk about relief! (and embarrassment) So there she was the whole time, chillin' in the car in the garage in the dark.
When I finally had her in my arms and knew she was okay, Ava looked at me and in her two year old voice said,
"Momma crying?"
"You sweaty Mom. You need shower."
Oh, Carolyn! My heart is pounding for yours. I well remember those frightening experiences. The kids are fine, but Mom feels the effects of the adrenaline rush for hours.
I click over from Amanda's blog on occasion to check out the adorable "next generation". Your girls are beautiful, just like you.
Love you, Gwen
So glad Miss Ava was found at last! Great seeing you today Carrow - it was such a treat!!! You are as beautiful as ever!
That is so scary! I am glad all ended well. I have had it happen on a much smaller scale, no police were called, and it took 5 years off my life.
Fabulous picture, by the way. I LOVE it.
Oh the stories that can be told! My mom always reminds me about the time I hid under my bed and fell asleep. Same situation, looked for me forever, police were contacted, just horrible moment! So glad she is SAFE and SOUND!!! What a day though, it sounds like you need a sip of wine!
That would scare the crap out of me. I am sure you were freaking out! I am glad she is safe.
Oh, Carolyn--how scary!! I'm so sorry you had to go through those agonizing 30 minutes, and SOOO glad that everything turned out okay!
wow that is scary! How are things? We have survived our first year out here in Memphis! I can't believe we haven't seen you guys and you are so close! Do you want to try and meet up sometime? I know it can be hard with busy schedules but let me know!
im so glad you found her and she was ok. How scarey.
oh how i'm so glad it all turned out o.k.
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