"Oh, Hello everyone, it's me again. So let me just tell you how our week has gone...

We got to buy a new refrigerator, or should I say we
HAD to buy a new refrigerator. After the repair man said it was going to cost $$$$$, Mom decided to just load my sister and me up and head on over to the fridge store. She asked for their cheapest black fridge they had. We ended up with the exact same fridge we had before! Same everything, just a newer version. And finally four days later it was delivered. We celebrated with sugar cookies.

I thoroughly enjoyed them.

Oh yeah, and one more thing that happened this week... my mom went back to work in a salon! After having to do hair out of the house for the past 4 years, she was very excited to get back into the salon scene. Okay, so it's only one day a week, but I think it's doing her some good."
PS. No, the picture in the previous post of a refrigerator is not ours. It was found on flickr and seemed to be appropriate.
Ava you are the cutest thing EVER! I could kiss that sugar cookie frosting right off your nose!
I so wish I was in TN right now so I could visit your mom at her salon.....I miss having a Carolyn Cut!
Ava, You need to wear blue every day! Tell your mom I will be booking a ticket to Memphis so I can get my hair cut, since it hasn't been cut since July. (hmmm...maybe I can squeeze in a visit to an Elvis museum while I am there.)
What a cutie! I am so glad you got a fridge... you don't realize how much you need one until it doesn't work!
I am glad you found somewhere to work a day a week- good for you! Hopefully you will like it!
Ava, you look like you did an excellent job of eating that sugar cookie. I am glad you liked it and also glad you got your new fridge. So your mom is working at a salon? Tell us about where you and Eden go while your mom is working. Do you do your own cute curly hair or does your mom help you? Is your color natural? I love it. Maybe your mom can make me look just like you!
I also love sugar cookies. In fact I just ate several dozen my "mommy" had made for some meeting I wasn't invited too.
Come by and let's make some messes together.
I'm sad to learn that wasn't your real refrigerator. I thought it was even cooler than "our" television set a-la 1973 featured on our blog.
Going back to work sounds fun for you! Go Carrow! And PS-you were in my dream last night, along with our HS gang, AND Justin Timberlake. I was trying to find the perfect wedding dress (what?!) and no one was of any help to me, except JT himself. I think he even kissed me. Whoa, that was probably too much info to post on a comments section!!!
I love Ava cluing me in on your family happenings. Congrats on working in a salon. Let me know how it goes.
Good for you, enjoy your day out of the house!! Hate that about the fridge, guess i shouldnt complain about our repair bill!!
Went back to the outlet, they had Oscosh and Children Place too!! Carters had great pj's on sale!!
We took a vote and it was unanimous that we keep Ava.
fun that you are back in a salon - i would love to have you do my hair again! ava is adorable! love you!
Ava is so darn cute!
Yeah for going back to work in a salon. And yeah for new fridge.
Does she take fabulous pictures or what?
Oh my gosh, look at those big blue eyes!
I wish you could cut my hair. I finally found someone in Spokane I liked, but not until a couple months before we moved, and I haven't found anyone here yet! I haven't had a haircut since April. Gross.
HOLY cow she is sooo cute! I saw your blog linked from steph waite's blog - i never put together that you two might be in-laws of some sort! i grew up with stephanie. Anyway, it was fun to see your kids getting so big - i miss eden coming in to visit me at my desk :( miss you!
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