Dear Ava,
How did you possibly get to be so cute? Just when I think I can't fall in love with you any more than I already do, you go and bat your innocent blue eyes at me with a tooth-filled grin the size of the moon. I love your sweetness and tender heart. I love that you wake up each new day anticipating giggles, and teasing. I love that you love to have a good time. I love your curly little blonde locks. I love that you have your daddy's ears. Mostly I love your kisses. I love you my little girly, Ava Magoo.

Photo taken by Heather Gibb
I love that baby too. I wish she knew and loved me back. Hopefully, one day soon we will live near each other so your children will know ours better. Ava, is too cute!
What a sweetie pie. Her daddy's ears; her mom's personality.
Yummy, scrumptious, delightful! What a lucky Mom you are!
Ava, you are a cutie. I love your kisses, too!
Ava is so adorable. I can't beleive how big she has gotten. So sweet!!!
I love her too! She's adorable!
Ava you are the cutest! I love you laugh, hugs, and kisses too!
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