I'm back, and survived the traveling. It was refreshing and re-energizing to see & be with family. Of course my posts yet to come will be all about our trip, so be forewarned. There were so many great things that happened. But just to be a pessimist let me tell you the worst thing...
flying with a 1.5 year old!
It was a struggle pretty much the whole time trying to keep her in our arms just walking through the airport. This kid has mastered the art of simultaneously going limp and straightening her arms; allowing one no where to grip or hold. At one point I was carrying luggage in my left hand while holding Ava like a football in my right. Except this football was screaming, kicking her legs, and pushing off with her arms.
Blankets are a total threat to our safety (thank you stupid terrorists). At security I was made to claw Ava's blanket from her grip to pass through the magical x-ray machine. And Miss Shoe Girl was already upset about having to take off her shoes. It was a matter of a couple minutes, but by the time security was over... I was sweating! (and maybe just a little crabby)
Now all of this was just at the airport. You can imagine what the confinement of airplane seating did to her. I think the people in front of us had much more turbulence then the rest of the passengers with their seats constantly being kicked every two seconds.
All I know, is the whole time I kept thinking how my sister-in-law does this all the time with two kids, the same age as mine, by herself... and this lady is doing it 6 months pregnant!!! I need to study her posted travel tips more closely.
*Sigh* It's over and we survived.
Our airplane was not purple as Eden had declared it would be. It was white. While walking on to our plane, I had Eden look out the tunnel window with me, and asked, "Eden, what color is our plane?"

And in her mind, so it was. I love my girlies.
Glad you made it home safe and sound if not a little worse for wear. Just be thankful you don't have to do it all the time.
Glad you all survived. Can't wait to read about your trip.
Have I ever told you about the time Chris and I took Christopher and Chandler to Hawaii? They were Eden and Ava's age. The plane ride well, you can imagine. The big drama...no where for Christopher's imaginary friends to sit, no meal service for them, the stewardess kept ignoring them, etc. It does get easier.
Anyone who flys with kids is amazing in my mind. I am so chicken that I usually opt not to even try. Hence, why we have not gone on a lot of vacations.
Glad you survived.. I feel your pain I travel with 3 kiddos by myself!! Alteast it is just to Utah... 2 hours. I promise myself I will never do that again & don't you fret I do it again & again!:)
It's worth it to see family right?!?!?!?! :)
I'm glad you had fun!
I can't imagine that sweet, angelic Ava face acting like that! I'm glad you survived. At least you had Aaron with you, right? I flew alone from WA to TN with my two when James was barely 2, and after that, I decided people were just going to have to come visit ME from now on! But he got a lot better. Now they're pretty easy to travel with.
Hi Carloyn, I'm a friend of Cathy's, from her ward. She told me I had to stalk your blog because you were an entertaining read. She sure wasn't fibbin'! I was able to attend the dedication, what a great thing! I am so glad I read your post on traveling! We are going to be flying with a 3 year old and 6 month old next month. It sounds like I need to prepare myself both physically and mentally!
Sounds familiar... you are so brave! The worst for us was after the horrible plane trip to NM for Thanksgiving, on the plane ride back the same lady was sitting next to us! Poor her! And another guy said to us as we were boarding, "I remember you guys from the flight over." Yeah, definitely not for our good looks.
Glad you had fun and I am sure you will submit yourself to the torture of the ride again!
Hey carrow! I feel you! I just went to Fresno with the 2 jr's solo! and it sure was a TREAT to say the least. BUT, one good thing I found is this little thing called a boogey baby or something like that...it's almost like a luggage rack with wheel, only you attach it directly to their car seat. you can keep the baby in the seat and simply roll them around like luggage! worked like a charm. i put the little one in there while brynlee walked and she never even made a peep! next time you fly definitely give it a try. oh, and that way you don't have to check the carseat until you get to the gate. it's almost liek having a stroller, except you get to use the carseat when you get to your destination!
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