More visitors! Dusty and Cori came to see the Memphis sites during their "Southern Style Road Trip" and graced us with their presence. I went to high school with Dusty. He is about to start his anesthesia residency in Loma Linda.
This would be Dusty and me back in the day. I believe the year was 1995? We were decorating the halls for homecoming. Dusty does have a cockroach taped to his shirt. (please note my tan buff legs because I haven't seen them since then).
Dusty could write a book of all the crazy things he has done in his life. I wish he would. Some are unbelievably crazy. He says he wants to forget them, but I'm sure when he his old and gray he'll be telling those memories to his grandkids. Like sneaking into the UNLV building from the roof and jumping into the olympic size pool FROM THE RAFTERS up in the ceiling, -after hours- That, though, was only a minor adventure compared to the others!
Two memories I have with Dusty would be:

Two memories I have with Dusty would be:
- Sneaking into Red Rock Theater (may it rest in peace) through a side door. Before walking into the movie, Dusty saw a refreshment stand not attended, but with popcorn still in the machine. "Hey Carolyn, would you like some popcorn?" "Sure." He jumped the counter scooped us up some jumbo cups, and off we went.
- While at a Blink 182 concert, I just happened to mention I always wanted to try crowd surfing. Before I could blink my eye, Dusty hoisted me up and off I went surfing the crowd. I don't know if that was the smartest concert for a girl to try that, but now I can check one off my list of things to do before I die.

It was great to see old friends again!
You have both grown up into such nice grownups. Looks like everyone had a really great time!
How fun!! You mean you haven't tried crowd surfing during a primary program?
Oh how jealous I am! Let me count the ways...
1) you all were hanging out with out me.
2) southern bbq was had!
3) eden got a makeover. You can see the pure pure JOY in her face in these pictures.
4) i don't think my legs have EVER been that tan and buff. nicely done. :)
Old friends are the best! Eden looks so grown up in the last picture. Crowd surfing is great--I use to did it all the time until some guy grabbed my boob!
Sounds fun...and your friend reminds me of james blunt?! The guy that sings "beautiful"
wow! i love Dusti, and I love that you guys still keep in touch. Tell him his old lab partner from biology says hi! Those were fun days. What a fun visit...for everyone, even Eden!!!
How fun. Say hi to them for me. Haven't seen Dusty for a long time. That is great they could come out and spend some time with your family. I am kind of jealous.
Do you remember the time circa 1995 when you, me, Dusty, and Patrick went down to the Fremont Street Experience during Christmas time and watched the yahoos, drunks, and homeless people?
Whoa! Blast form the past! I knew Dusty too! Haven't seens him since high school! Ah, memory lane!
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