More often than not, this is how I find her sleeping. Ava will bounce with the blanket over her head until she finally collapses from exhaustion into dream land. I don't know how she can stand having that on her face, but this girl was literally snoring away.
That's funny, Evan does that too. Seems really hot and uncomforable to me. Jenn used to sleep with the covers over her face too. Do you still do that, Jenn?
It must be a kid thing because Gavin does that too with his "bangs." It would make me hot and clausterphobic.
Hi carolyn, we finally made here to memphis! I am loving the weather so far, but not really looking forward to the hot and humid summers. How are you guys doing?
I love blankets over my face too~
Now looking at that picture I don't know how I breath either!! :)
hey Carolyn- I came across your blog as I was blog stalking today! I am your sister in law stephanie's best childhood friend, emily. cute blog! cute family!
emily nelson:)
It is funny how they can breathe underneath all the blankets. How adorable!
That's funny--I love all her silly ways to get to sleep. So much like her daddy. Do you take it off her??
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