Sugar Snap Peas
Eden planted her jelly beans. It was very cute watching her carefully poke a whole with her finger and drop a bean in. Then she made sure to fill the watering pale up and give them a drink. Can't wait to see what they grow into!
I've already learned that next year I will plant those cold season veggies a lot earlier. Hopefully they'll do alright this first year.

Boyfriend walked in and starts making a big scene and laughing. But the hat was better then what was underneath! And maybe it was shadowing my no makeup dirty face. He turns my cap to one side and tells me I should sport it 'gansta' style. We start laughing about all the funny things I could say and do as I strut my stuff (or lack of) around the store. "Ha ha ha, we are so funny." "I dare you, that would be hysterical" "make that stupid face again!" "yeah, that one" "Oh let's hug about it." "Hey, while you are hugging me, will you crack my back?"
I wonder who that is? Boyfriend opens the front door and sees our two little girls! Eden, with Ava in tow, running around the FRONT YARD, barefoot and in pj's! Eden rings the door bell, mockingly making silly faces at us. Ava is turning around in circles doing the "silly dance". *Sigh* I wonder where they get it and who is in charge of these girls anyways? I guess at least they weren't naked.
I remember being so excited when Jeromy got his Gross hat. But then I realized that he would never wear it because it would look braggy, and I would never wear it because I don't have enough self-confidence to wear a hat that labels me as "Gross." I'd feel like I had a big "L" on my forehead. But you go, girl! I hope you did strut your stuff around the grocery store!
I'm proud of you and your veggie garden, and I love the picture of Ava and her Peep!
What was it like to have your husband home all day?? What about reading, grand rounds, papers, paper work.........the list goes on!! How wonderful!! Hope ya'll had fun!!
You are too much!! It makes me so tired just reading what you did!!
I'm so proud of you that you did your own garden!!! WAY TO GO! Tell Aaron nice job his stone work looks fab!!!
I love it when our husbands get a day off!!! Nate was off yesturday & we did yard work & house cleaning!!! :)
I am again, impressed. I really do need to tell you about our $432.00 eggplant sometime.
Also, don't just wear the hat but his scrubs too! I have this theory that if I wore scrubs all the time, I would look really smart and accomplished. Instead of worn out and leaving people wondering if I ran out for a movie just after my house caught on fire!
What? No picture of you in the GROSS hat? I'm waiting...
I am so excited to see your garden grow! How fun, I love gardening!! What a perfect spot & a lot of work, it looks great. The photos are cute! Love the girls together....and isn't just bliss the kind of flirting we can have with our Mr.Wonderfuls!
What I want to know is how did those two little urchins sneak past the Gross hat and the doctor to get outside by themselves. Who knows?
Eden is such a crack up. I'm sure those moments come from being Aaron's daughter. Good thing she has you to even her out. I would have loved to see that seen though. I can't wait to see your garden fully done and plants a growin'. My patio tomatoes are doing great but no tomatoes yet.
Very, very impressive. Can't wait to see your vegetables.
I want a garden! (said in my most pouty winy voice you can imagine.)
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