Rachel asked: #1.Do you have a recommendation for potty training strategy or a book that has worked for your efforts or is it the Pop Rocks magic that works best? #2. Do you have a recommendation for an inexpensive shampoo & conditioner (that will help maintain color) for your girlfriend that is on a budget, just shy of no-budget? #3. Do you offer girlfriend consult on home decorating? How about home visits?
- Pop Rocks really did help me out, but after going through the torture of potty training, I'd say the only advice I have... wait as long as possible before throwing yourself off the cliff! Okay, it wasn't that bad! I think it really would help to just let the kid decide when it's time. And you should totally take my advice because I KNOW EVERYTHING! (last sentence was just said in my sarcastic voice)
- Maybe some of you don't know that I'm a cosmetologist. And I totally miss doing your hair, Rachel, mainly for the chance I got to have you all to myself for that moment in time. I understand the budget, but even then I cannot in good conscience recommend a grocery store quality product (although they always smell so yummy). So I will say that Paul Mitchell does have good products and mostly on the lower end, $$ wise, of the professional product line. They have a great shampoo & conditioner just for colored hair!

3. Girl! You know I'm there to help a friend out, especially when it comes to giving my opinion! Now why you would really want my help with decorating is beyond me but makes me feel good too!
side note: Rachel's house has always looks absolutely adorable and smells good and is always clean!
But maybe you would like to know what I'm going for these days in my house? Right, let me tell you. I love clean and white. I guess I'm going for the sterile look, I find it relaxing. Thus my hutch being white, my kitchen table and chairs being white, and any other furniture I get my hands on will soon be white. Then I love an accent color of green. The end. Love it. Actually I was drooling over Hannah's pictures of her gorgeous house. Check them out here! I love this girl!
Oh, and about the "home visits"... I'm buying my plane ticket as we speak! ...or type.
side note: Rachel's house has always looks absolutely adorable and smells good and is always clean!
But maybe you would like to know what I'm going for these days in my house? Right, let me tell you. I love clean and white. I guess I'm going for the sterile look, I find it relaxing. Thus my hutch being white, my kitchen table and chairs being white, and any other furniture I get my hands on will soon be white. Then I love an accent color of green. The end. Love it. Actually I was drooling over Hannah's pictures of her gorgeous house. Check them out here! I love this girl!
Oh, and about the "home visits"... I'm buying my plane ticket as we speak! ...or type.
Ohhh, you are sooo good to me! That was such a nice thing to say. Secondly I use Pantene for my hair (Insert gasp of horror here.)
Thanks for good advice! I think that you have amazing style for yourself of course and your decorating sense! Thanks for saying nice things! I don't know about the clean and smell good thing, my work is cut out for me with a house full of boys as things stand now.
I love the white look...is it country cottage, or country chic? Or something totally different?
Is the hutch coming along? That is such a big project! Once you are done you feel all the satisfaction from all of your hard work.
Carolyn I love your clean, simple style. It always makes your house so warm and inviting. And like I've said, you have one of the cleanest, clutter-free houses I know.
I have another question for you...Do you ever get intimidated by so many talented and amazing sisters and sister in laws? or are they intimidated by you? I don't have any sisters so I am curious.
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