I believe that Heavenly Father loves us. He wants us to know his plan and return to live with him again for eternity. We are his actual sons and daughters. Now if I believe this, then you need to know, that I also believe he didn't just send us here to earth to "maybe" or "hopefully" find our way back to him. I believe the Lord has provided a way for us to know his plan, his gospel, his commandments. I honestly believe that he has restored his true gospel on this earth again. (I say again, because His true gospel was already on the earth when the Savior himself was here.) We are not left in the dark. I feel, more than words can express, blessed to have been born into this knowledge and being taught how to live the way Heavenly Father wants me to live all of my life. I believe there is one true church on this earth directed by the Savior himself through an actual living prophet! A prophet who has been foreordained to this work. I am grateful for this prophet called of God. Our prophet on earth today, President Hinckley passed away tonight after serving as the prophet since 1995! That is why I'm feeling compelled to express my feelings of love, reverence, and gratitude (again!)
"We thank thee, O God, for a prophet to guide us in these latter days.
We thank thee for sending the gospel to lighten our minds with its rays.
We thank thee for every blessing, Bestowed by thy bounteous hand.
We feel it a pleasure to serve thee, and love to obey thy command."
~We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet an LDS Hymn

Beautiful words of love, Coming from God above, How sweet, how dear the words we hear! They're beautiful words of love.
They're from the prophets God inspires, In counsel oft withstood, Reproving all our ill desires, Commending all that's good.
Beautiful words of love, Coming from God above, How sweet, how dear the words we hear!
They're beautiful words of love."
~Oh Holy Words of Truth and Love an LDS Hymn
They're from the prophets God inspires, In counsel oft withstood, Reproving all our ill desires, Commending all that's good.
Beautiful words of love, Coming from God above, How sweet, how dear the words we hear!
They're beautiful words of love."
~Oh Holy Words of Truth and Love an LDS Hymn

Where did you get that top picture of President Hinckley? I've been looking for it for months!
All I can say is "Ditto" to what you said... You said it just right! I will miss our dear prophet Gordon B. Hinckley! He will be loved and missed by all~
Carolyn, thank you for your testimony. My heart aches, I will miss the Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley. I am humbled and truly grateful for all that he has done for the church, for us as members, and as a man for the world. I am grateful for the plan of salvation.
He is now united with he beloved wife, and that brings peace to my soul.
President Hinckley was such a wonderful man. i will miss him.
What optimism and comfort he gave to all of us. He will be missed!
A beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing.
I liked reading this, I have had a bad day and it made me feel better...I found your link from the Roberts. I hope you guys are doing well! I miss getting haircuts :) Lyndsey
PS Your kids are adorable!
Beautiful, beautiful! Love him--he always brought happiness.
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