Natalie asked: #1. If you weren't a stay at home mom, what would your dream job be? #2. How many kids would you like to have? #3. What are some of your favorite books? #4. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
- I would be a food critique to all the fine dining restaurants and then an aerobics instructor on the side to even things out. That or maybe my life long dream ever since I was in third grade, to be an astronaut.
- I want as many children as the Lord sees fit for me to have. (I know "give me a brake" right?) But I can say this because I know I'm to have at least three kids and then I can't imagine the Lord, knowing my sanity, will allow me to have too many more than that! So in other words. I'm at least having one more and then we'll take it from there. Plus I've learned that sometimes things are just out of your control!
- Oh no! The "book" question. This question for some reason makes me nervous, especially coming from such a great book reader such as yourself, Natalie. I'm not much of a book reader. I like a good book and enjoy reading, but I'm not one to always have a book in my hand. So to pick a favorite... I would have to say a book that I can read more than once would mean it was a favorite and I always enjoy reading Jane Austin's books. So I'm also loving the PBS Masterpiece Theater's on Sunday evenings at the moment! But at the moment I've been thumbing through Mrs Dunwoody's Excellent Instructions for Homekeeping. Timeless Wisdom and Practical Advice. See picture below. It's not one to take seriously, and I for some reason, find it entertaining. I'm weird.
- I'm glad you asked this because I'm still in the hunt for that one perfect place to call Home Sweet Home. Here is the criteria:
- A place that is not smack dab in the city. Somewhere that I can have the small town feel, yet most of the conveniences of the city.
- I love the four seasons, but nothing extreme on either end!
- A place where having land is common, and looking out your bathroom window into your neighbors living room is unheard of!
- I need a place where I can send my girls out to play and say "come home before the street lights turn on". Does this place even exist anymore?
- Also I need a place where all my family will want to relocate and live by me!
- So does anyone have any suggestions?!

I need a home sweet home like that too. So, when's baby #3 coming along? You want to time it?
I have been watching that Jane Austen special as well... good stuff! If you want to read a cheesy, modern Austen-like book, read "Austenland" by Shannon Hale. It is pretty short so you can stand the cheesiness of it all.
Also, let me know when you find a place like that to live- we'll move to your neighborhood. It'll be like Shoreline all over again. We haven't found our perfect place yet (Andrew says Australia is the only perfect place to live...)- still looking!
I agree, where do you find a place like that to live?? I will follow if you ever find it! :)
O.K. since you have such a great taste for food I need a little help! I'm having cooking club at my house on friday and I'm pulling out my fondu fountain to dip strawberries and I can't find a "GOOD" recipe for chocolate!! Any advise or a good recipe for Chocolate you put in your fondu fountain?????
These posts are so fun and insightful. I liked the book Twilight. And by liked I mean loved and by loved I mean that I was obsessed! I don't read a ton of books but I read that one in like 2 days. Could not put it down. Plus it has a side love story going and who doesn't love that?
I want to be your neighbor living on that same street! Sounds lovely, and family is key!
I love books, so that would have been a VERY hard one for me too.
I am loving these posts!
Can you believe that just 20 short years ago our neighborhood in Vegas was the kind where you could send your kids out to play until the street lights came on! Now there's no place like that, well maybe I just don't know about it. Also, I'm sure Carolyn has a chocolate sauce recipe but for whoever asked this, I know the best one ever. It's so simple you'll never believe how delicious it is. Melt 1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips with 1 can sweetened condensed milk in top of a doulbe boiler. That's it! If you like it a little chocolatier you can add more chips to your liking. I've tried other stuff but have always gone back to this. It's also especially good over brownies and ice cream!
Also, Carolyn, maybe you could post some of your favorite Mrs. Dunwoody's excellent instructions. I could use some!
Sounds like you want to move to RENO!!!!!
BTW, I'm LOVING the Masterpiece Theater series as well, so thanks for the head's up on that one.
ooh, let me know where you find that place so i can move there, too! that sounds amazing!
Carolyn, We looked at a place called Buena Vista Virginia in the blue Ridge mountains, sometimes I wonder why we didn't go there. It is where Southern Virginia University is located (ever hear of it) it is a school not owned by the church but by highly respected church members own it privately and run it similar to BYU. The town is small but Ryan said it was adorable, you definitely get four seasons So check it out it was on our number 2 and I think about it a lot.
Carolyn, I must admit when I read your dream list of home it sounded a lot like Reno to me too.
Ditto on posting some of Mrs. Dunwoody's tips.
I don't think that place (come home before the street lights turn on) exsists anymore. So sad!
About Masterpiece theater...I was out of town and had my DVR set to record, but it didn't record the one from Jan. 27th. It was supposed to be Mansfield Park. I'm so sad that I missed it!! But I would have missed all of them if you hadn't told us about the series, so thanks!
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