I'm to tell five interesting things about me. This was hard. I'm not interesting, I'm boring.
1. Speaking of boring. My nickname in college was Boring Carolyn. I like to think it wasn't in literal terms so much as it was because I would always choose going to bed rather than staying up to play or go out. I still am this way but even more so now that I'm a mother. I love to sleep and need a lot of it. Maybe I like to sleep so much because it means I get to dream...
2...I day dream a lot. I find myself making up conversations in my head or visualizing myself in some made up scene. And so when I lie down to finally go to sleep, I don't count sheep... I make up a new story in my mind. Ah, relaxing.
3. My babysitter growing up was the community pool. I was a fish, if I remember correctly. My sisters were lifeguards and so, back then when things didn't matter so much, my mother would drop off my little sister and me in the mornings and pick us up hours later. I loved it! I did go for the swim team in high school, but as soon as I realized it would interfere with cheerleading I chose the latter. I guess swinging pom-poms was more glamorous. I don't regret it, but eventually during my senior year I became certified to lifeguard.
4. My lifeguard instructor was a couple (few) years older than me, he had long hair, he was tan, he had muscles, and he was an inspiring actor...therefore, I thought he was so cool! After being certified I had a question and needed to call him up for the answer (I don't even remember this guy's name! Actually, wait, it was Mike). I was on cloud nine when he ended up asking me out. Ooooh, I thought I was pretty cool that day.
5. But after only two years of lifeguarding, I was tired of it. I didn't want to do it anymore!... nonetheless I did lifeguard one more year. It was at a Canyon Gate Country Club in Vegas. This club also had a summer kids camp. This kids camp had counselors. One of those counselors ended up being my husband!
(Let's just do a couple more for the heck of it)
6. I learned first hand it is true when they say... "No more monkey's jumping on the bed!" I have a scar running up the whole back of my right calf to prove it. I broke a spring of the bed from jumping and it had popped out. I didn't notice and when I slid off the bed, I sliced my leg.
7. Seven years ago my husband and I moved to San Diego for the summer. I didn't know anyone there, so I thought it would be a perfect time to do something to myself that I had always wanted to try...

The end.
what fun, what fun! it was about 8 or 9 years ago that i had that very hairstyle, super blonde like that and everything! i'm also a daydreamer, but i'm trying to kick that habit.
I love reading about you! and I love the blonde hair. I've always wondered about your long hair phase...do you have pics of that too?
Love the hair and Love the post!
Carolyn you are awesome! I loved reading this post. I wish you lived here!
The blonde hair was a bold move, wow, you look so cute!
Thank you for sharing, it was great, I enjoyed reading your's the most!
Whoo hoo Blonde! I loved to read that it was fun. I too have a scar from jumping on the bed. It is on my heel. From an old heater vent in the floor turned upside down. Jumped right on it!
Oh man I have so many juicy details that I could add to each one of these tidbits! :) But I will only add a couple...First of all I did make swim team because I was never made for cheerleading and I remember meeting that guy Mike because he would train for a triathlon in the lane next to our swim team. Let me just tell you..Mike was hot! Our whole team (well the girls..shoot who am I kidding a couple of the guys too) had crushes and the fact that he asked my sister out was well worth some serious bragging rights! Go Carolyn Go!
Second, that summer when Carolyn was blonde in San Diego is also known as her Natalie Maines summer (the lead singer of the dixie chicks). She was often mistaken for her and she really did look like her...check her out! :) I love you Carolyn. Maybe my tag should just be more about you because you are apparently not BORING at all!
I agree. Not boring at all. Your posts are always so cute and fun to check out. I am glad you were tagged. A couple of those things I didn't know....like all about Mike. Plus, I forgot that was how you met Aaron, too.
I am very impressed that you came up with so many interesting things, not that you are boring, just that if I had the same task I would have never have been so creative. I remember that Mike story-juicy! By the way, my nickname in college was Lumpy Jen, or was it Drooling Jen, either way, I 'd much rather be boring than those two. Very cute post!
Boring my eye! Fun stories. I think each of the Roundy's should do this 5 things thing and then we can read the responses and back stories on each others blogs!
Does anyone know where Mike is now...he sounds cute!
P.S. My husband was a camp counselor at the same summer camp where I was a camper. Goofy, huh!
I love that nick name. I just couldn't call you that because it's not true. Maybe that is why you got it. I loved bleaching out your hair. You looked great. I had always wanted to do that to someone as dark as you. Lots of fun.
I remember now that you died you hair blonde. And... YOU ARE TOOO MUCH FUN TO BE BORING!!!
I'm never bored when I'm with you. I mean, come on, what boring girl bleaches her hair?!
Now I'm contemplating posting a picture of my blonde days. Yeah right! And no one would ever believe you did that to my hair. You should have included the interesting fact that random guys in line at stores liked to buy you things. Now that is interesting!
You're not boring! I loved it when you hair was blonde--you looks so much like the lead singer of the Dixie Chicks. And how can you be boring? You married Aaron. Oh, btw I was reading in a magazine that Memphis has the most crimes in the nation so BE CAREFUL.
I miss you. I even miss you more when I hear about things I've never known about. You are far from boring, like it or not. I can't believe i've never seen the blond hair picture! I've been there, done that, too! Love it! Hope you are doing great. Thanks for keeping me updated on you and life with the Waites.
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