Alright, have I posted enough about my Dad yet or what? I can't help it though. I really like the man and can't get enough of him.
I sure miss him alot as he is living in a third world country at the moment. They didn't ask to live there, but when The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints assigned them to live there for the next two years... they didn't even blink an eye. (Well maybe Mom batted an eye just a little, but that was it.)
My parent's received a phone call one day asking my dad to be the Executive Secretary to the Area President for the Church way out in the Philippines. Now to someone who isn't familiar with my beliefs, you might think this is crazy. In a matter of months(4), they settled their affairs and headed on out! (Sold cars, rented home, updated passports, immunizations, finances, practically took a leave from all responsibilities, let alone saying goodbye to their children & grandkids.) But because the gospel I believe in is the exact same gospel taught in all Churches of Jesus Christ across the world, they were happy to give of themselves and serve the people living in the Philippines. And for all of this, I'm very proud of my dad (and mom... but this is Dad's birthday post.) (...also you might find these statistics interesting)
Today, Dec 18th is my dad's birthday. Happy Birthday Dad, I'm happy you're alive!
Now, my dad is really good at not saying too much...but saying a whole lot all at the same time. Understand? Over the years I have asked my brother and sisters to remember some of Dad's all time quotes. Some are his originals and others are ones he's picked up along the way from people he admired. I'm posting some, along with a few pictures I really cherish.
Now, my dad is really good at not saying too much...but saying a whole lot all at the same time. Understand? Over the years I have asked my brother and sisters to remember some of Dad's all time quotes. Some are his originals and others are ones he's picked up along the way from people he admired. I'm posting some, along with a few pictures I really cherish.

"Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes permanent."

"Seek to understand before you insist on being understood."

"You can't hear with your mouth open."

At times, one of us kids would go up to Dad and ask if we were adopted. Dad's reply would be, "Yeah, but they brought you back."
I'm lucky to have you Dad. I love you, and thanks for always loving me.
Here is their mission blog.
Happy Birthday Carolyn's Daddy! I love all the pictures of you and your dad--so sweet and tender and you were sure super cute. Great quotes too--he seemed like he knew what he was talking about.
I love the post! These are such great pics. And all the little links along the way. We are way lucky to have such a wonderful dad!
Carolyn . . . you're way too kind, and way to honest.
I love this post, Carolyn, and the pictures are sweet. Remember on road trips how Dad would make sounds to go along with the directional road signs?
You have such a great dad. Happy Birthday to him.
Thanks for this post Carolyn. It brought tears to my eyes. Happy Birthday, Elder Roundy. I'm thankful to know you.
Carolyn, just one more reason to be envious of the "Roundy Gals". It is so encouraging to hear how much you all still love your folks (deservedly so). Perhaps if I give it the same effort my kids will love me just as much! thank you for starting this whole blog thing!
Uh-oh...I feel a story coming on.....
When you were about to be born, Carolyn, Dad was eating at the dinner table with Mom, Jill, Jenifer, and me (Sunday family dinner). We asked him about the new baby that would be born. We asked if it would be a boy or a girl. He said it would be a girl. We asked if it would have brown hair like Mom or blonde hair like her older sisters? He said he didn't know and "maybe she will have a twin!" He was joking of course, but we braced ourselves. No one spoke for about 2 minutes until I broke the silence and solemnly asked,...."You mean a who? A twin to me or to Jenifer?" Everyone laughed at me and it had to be explained to me how twins work. That was a Sunday Dinner that we all remember! Especially me (sheepishly).
Then Danny Devito and Arnold Swartzenaggar put out a movie called "Twins" 10 years later and I became confused all over again.
We always love your pictures Carolyn!
Happy Birthday to Carolyn's Dad!!
Carolyn I loved this post and the pics, your dad sounds like an awesome Father!
I love the adoption quote!
He's way cool!
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