November 7, 2007

Kid's Clay

For the past few days, Eden has been obsessed with play-dough. She only plays with it for about 10 minutes, but seems to really enjoy each one of those ticking seconds of creativity.

As soon as her eyes open up in the morning, she says, "Let's play with play dough?"

My oldest sister gave me a recipe to make my own play dough. I'm sure lots of you already know it. I love being able to whip this up, not caring if the batch gets dirty or yucky. I divide it into three bags and keep each in the fridge. When the weather was warmer, she would play with the clay outside, and put rocks/leaves/bugs in it. I, then, would just quietly throw the master piece away when she wasn't watching.

Kid's Clay:
1 cup flour
1 cup water
1/2 cup salt
1 tsp. veg. oil
1/2 tsp. cream of tartar
food coloring

Mix all ingredients in medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir until clay forms... will mix up fairly quickly.

Editor's Note: Strictly for archive purpose... This is Eden's favorite shirt. She would wear it everyday if possible. When it is dirty, I either have to wash it right away, or hide it in the dirty clothes bin, because once her eyes have seen the likes of it... it's the only shirt that will do. I believe it is a hand-me-down from cousin Morgan. That must be why she loves it so much.


Darleen said...

I need to start getting the playdough out. Stella is such an artist but doesn't do so much hands-on art. Eden looks like she knows what she's doing and making. Good idea about storing the playdough and taking it outside to explore. Funny about the t-shirt! Silly girl.

Jen said...

In the second picture she looks so pleased with herself! (And in the third picture she looks JUST like you when you were her age!)

Does she pick out the color of the play dough? Just wondering if blue is her favorite.

P.S. You didn't want to keep the play dough/insect/nature masterpiece for arhive purposes? You could have left it in the sun to hardened then placed it on the mantel of your new gorgeous fireplace!

nickel... said...

I hoping that Eden will want to play play-dough with her Aunt Cathy when I come to visit...TOMORROW!!!

Carolyn said...

Cathy, you can bet your bottom dollar on it!
Jen, yes...she ALWAYS picks out the color when we make a new batch. Although this time she picked blue, Eden tells me her favorite color is pink.

Kirk said...

When I saw the first picture I thought, "That shirt is way awesome." Funny, right? Eden and I must have similar fashion taste.

Anonymous said...

She has a very new intrest! I remember My Mom ud=sed to make play-dough for me when I was about Edens age!

Anonymous said...

Sorry typo! Insted of ud=sed its used!

Unknown said...

i should bust out the play dough. the kids love it. i just hate cleaning up afterwards! :) (maya has that shirt in green. target, baby!)

Hailey said...

she looks like she creates some very cool pieces! The shirt looks lovely on her, I can see why she likes it. And hi to Aunt Cathy! Maybe Carolyn can blog something you create from Eden's clay?

Unguren said...

Lucky for me Gavin always gets the playing with playdough out of his system at Grandma Dana's house. And he too has a favorite shirt from bryce canyon. It may be the ugliest shirt ever (unless you like indian like totem pole figures.)so at least Eden has good taste. Perhaps she could teach gavin a thing or two.

p.s. Gavin asked last night after we went to Cathy's if "Eden could come over to my house tomorrow?"

Harlene said...

I took your wisdom and I'm going to make some play dough for my gang for FHE. This should be a hoot. Did you know, you can color and scent it with Jello, the powder of course. We also have that shirt, in pink.

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