The girls were startled. They screamed and ran yelling, "CHICKEN!". Jenna bolted like lightning to the safety of the inside of her van.... and never came out after that.
Editor's Note: This is Henrietta II. Not to be confused with the original Henrietta who turned out to be a Henry (rooster) along with Roundy Rooster. These two gentleman were returned to the "chicken lady" and swapped for another hen. Which, Eden easily declared, is named Henrietta.
Henrietta II supposedly already lays eggs, but I haven't seen or found one yet. I am so horrified I might have rotting eggs hidden somewhere in my back yard!
Henrietta II supposedly already lays eggs, but I haven't seen or found one yet. I am so horrified I might have rotting eggs hidden somewhere in my back yard!
Good times with the chickens.
So wish we could go visit your family also. Cathy looks like she got along great with Henrietta II. Great name. Such a fitting name for a smart chicken.
You said the other girls are hiding in the car, but Eden is begging to hold the chicken. You are raising such a farm girl!
ooh, that's funny. you guys are some seriously fun people, what with your chickens and all!
I knew things were too quiet around here, I need some chickens! Do you think Ava coaxed her over the fence? Bok! Bok!
Good thing you just happenned to have your camera out to catch the fun!
So fun. I had a pet pig once and people thought that was strange so pet chickens are totally going to get Eden "cool" Points. Cathy said it was gorgeous there!
I thought the whole thing was really funny. Good times!
I love the picture of the boys running around trying to catch the chicken. I wonder if those little girls are normally afraid of chickens, or if it was just the surprise of having one appear suddenly in the front yard!
Those chickens! Such drama--at least there wasn't scramble eggs in the driveway....hehehehe. Or roadkill chicken ready for dinner. Okay, now I'm being mean.
Aaron, didn't you guys have a pet that you gave a boy name, and it turned out to be a girl? I asked Julene, but . . . memory.
My memory is gone because I had to raise, diaper, babysit my siblings when I was younger and now I have five kids of my own. I can't remember anything. I'm grateful I have a husband who has a great memory.
After hearing about your chicken adventures, I feel like Brad and I have to go out and buy a chicken too. I feel like we are missing out on something great!
So we went and bought ourselves a chicken. One hour on the rotisserie and it was delicious!
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