Preschool Halloween Party.
Just so happened, my adorable crush dressed up like a cowboy and I got to sit
soooo close to him for a picture perfect moment. I still remember this day... started those crushes early folks.
You see, Halloweens in Vegas would mean 85 degree weather. Thus my sister's scantly costumes.
Or maybe she was just a little bit of a scantness like that. {Hardly!}
Can you guess what my costume was all sparkly and pink? Right, I didn't know either, but my Grandma made it for me. She told me I was a
Page Boy. I didn't understand why I wanted to be a "boy", but it was sparkly and pink, so I wore it with pride.

This is my grandma who made me the costume. She could make anything gorgeous just by using a broken earring and dental floss. And she had all sorts of that kind of thing
costume jewelry} tucked away in (what I thought were...) treasure boxes.
Grandma Bunny and Grandpa Cherry met in Canada. That was where Grandma was living. Her parents had a little bit of money and she was the youngest. Let's just say: I think she enjoyed her upbringing years.

This is the house where she raised her children in Alton, Utah. A little bit different than the houses she was used to, but I don't know of her complaining. One of those kiddos she raised was, of course, my

This is the Grandma Bunny I remember. When I was around 10-12, she lived with us for a while. I used to call this dress her 'angel dress' because when she held her arms out straight to the sides, the sleeves draped down like beautiful angel wings. Actually, I believe, she was an angel in real life.
That firsts picture looks like it may be you and Aaron. Does anyone else think that little boy looks like Aaron. Well, what we can see of him. Also, I am so jealous of all the old pictures you have. What a treasure!
I think it looks like Aaron too Mar! I am with you on that one.
I remember grandma bunny's treasure boxes too and she also wore a housecoat that had every color in rainbow in it! She was lovely! :)
A lot of those costumes are still in the dress up box here at grandma gail's house. Including my skimpy ones...maybe that's what I'll be for halloween this year (just kidding can all relax!) :)
I'm just really impressed you've scanned in all of your old photos...they're fun to see!
I love the Halloween flashback. Especially the Indian and Cowboy. No one is ever Indians anymore. Why do you think that is? Not politically correct? And where are all the cowboys? They always were the cuties.
Carolyn . . . What nice things you say about my mother. Grandpa O
Okay, those Roundy chicks are some of the cutest little girls, big girls too! I love the photos of your Granma, it makes me miss my Mimi. Thanks for sharing.
I was just thinking the same thing about the first picture. At first I was like...did we know you when we were young? Sweet memories of your Grandma. She made some fun costumes especially for being a "grandma".
Carolyn, this is so cool. I take it you are scanning your old photos? Do you have any recommendations for scanners?
You were such a cute Indian - still are. Totally remember Grandma Bunny's angel dress. Remember the apple head dolls she used to make?
what fun memories! i love it!
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