Today it rained. It rained a whole lot.
Which is my favorite time of year! I love the autumn rain.
You all remember playing out in the rain when you were young? These are my earliest memories. We used to go "swimming" down the gutter. {I'm sure gutters back then were super clean and never gross.}

This is Cathy. You should know she is wearing proper "playing in the rain" attire. I think we used to fight over which one of us got to wear those boots. Obviously, Cathy won this particular day!
Well, here I am enjoying a wonderful rainy autumn day while sitting at the computer, checking all of your blogs when...
"drip, drip, drip, drip"

My ceiling is leaking!!!!!
I was never too old to play in the rain.

This is Cathy. You should know she is wearing proper "playing in the rain" attire. I think we used to fight over which one of us got to wear those boots. Obviously, Cathy won this particular day!
Well, here I am enjoying a wonderful rainy autumn day while sitting at the computer, checking all of your blogs when...
"drip, drip, drip, drip"
My ceiling is leaking!!!!!
My ceiling is leaking so bad I have to catch the drips with a bucket!
We went up into the attic in order to get to the bottom of that leak. Conveniently a bucket with a trash liner was already provided to catch such drips.
Do you know what this means?! The previous owner knew about this problem and did not, dishonestly, disclose this information! Can you see the rotting ceiling in above picture? I don't know what I'm more upset about:

Lovely! Isn't she?
- We have a leaking roof
- We didn't notice this problem before hand
- Our inspector didn't notice this problem before hand
- The previous owner DID know about this problem and didn't let any of us know about it.
Lovely! Isn't she?
I love autumn rain too. just not falling on my head through my roof! I am so sorry! I hope your realtor is being helpful. That's a beauty you have playing in the rain!
So much to say about this one post!
First of all...I am working those moon boots and light years before Napoleon mind you. Then there's the perm and the hat I am wearing. Why am I even wearing that hat?
Second of all...Eden and Ava are so darling! Really really cute pictures of them!
Third...I am super grouchy about your leak situation. What do you do about it, both in fixing it and the previous owners? Mark wanted me to mention that a guy he works with just won as the national jiu jitsu champion. Just let us know if you need us to give him a call!
I'm with Cathy about having so much to say...
1. Are there any pictures of you and Cathy alone when you were young? It seems like you two are together in every picture, but they are very cute.
2. Eden and Ava are adorable in the rain as well. I can just picture Eden outside with her umbrella singing away in the raindrops.
3. Do you remember how flooded the gutters used to get?! All the neighborhood kids would be outside with our innertubes and floaties swimming down the gutters - good times!
4. I'm forwarding this post to my expert - Dan. Curious to see what he has to say about it. Plus I'm feeling extra sorry for you guys having to go through the headache of getting this all straightened out.
First the termite window and now this! How maddening! I hope it all gets straightened out. Very wierd that the inspector didn't notice? Well, and that owners didn't tell.
But we did have some fun times in the rain! I was always glad to be at your house when it rained because my mom wouldn't let us play in the rain. She thought it was too "dangerous". Don't get it. And the girls are so cute, as usual.
Carolyn, this is Dan. I am really sorry to hear about your leaking roof, this fires me up. First thing to do is to call your inspector. The homeowner is a worm for not disclosing the information, but the inspector you hired is on the hook for this BIG TIME. Call the contractors board and find out if inspectors are required to carry a contractors license and bond. If they are required to hold a license,then you own him. Make an official complaint against him and attack his bond to cover the repairs, call me if you need more help on this.
If they are not required to hold a license, then there has to be some sort of governing agency over the inspectors in your state. Find out who it is and make a formal complaint against him. I would love to see the contract he provided to you before he did the work, if you would like me to review it please fax it to 775-851-9264. I don't think it will do much good, but call the Realtor who represented the previous owner and make a complaint against him as well. I would have to review your contract before I could tell you that you have a strong ground to stand on. The very fact you had the home inspected, to a degree, takes the previous owner off the hook. Let me know if I can help in anyway.
Your daughters are so beautiful! I love playing in the rain still to this day.
I also totally enjoyed the pictures of you and Cathy! He, he, he...
I'm really sorry about the leak. I would be totally fired up too. I hope that you take Dan's advice and get it taken care of quick. :)
Very cute pictures of Eden and rain...and of course yourself and Cathy. So sorry about the leaky roof. At least you don't have a basement that floods (and the previous owners knew of it too). I came home from Utah to a flooded basement. Lovely. I would definitely take Dan's advice and file a compliant.
Eden & Ava look adorible!!!
Love the girls! About the roof situation...owning a house stinks. The day we moved into our house we found out that there was no hot water to the shower...450 dollars later, plumbers are not cheap, we had hot water. Next day I put my dishes in the dishwasher, started the cycle, and it doesn't work. The roof that we thought would have a few more years, needs to be redone this year...I just chalked it up to the pitfalls of homeownership and having an amateur real estate agent who referred us to a terrible inspector. Oh, and that plumber ended up putting five holes in my walls and four in my ceiling which are still not fixed. I'll email you the pics later. Good luck with all the calls and legalities. If something works let me know! This is Jen Bunker if my name doesn't come through...I still can't figure this stuff out.
Yes, cute-cute girls! Love Eden's bright umbrella too. Has it not rained much until now? Update the blog when you figure this problem out! Bummer!
Thanks for everyone's concern.
It has rained a lot before this, but I think the damage has just now finally made it's way through the attic and through our ceiling.
Luckily, Dan is really helping me take care of this problem and walking me through the steps of who is accountable for all of this.
Thanks Dan!!!
sorry about the house problems. love the pics of your girlie! she's a doll. we could use some of that rain!
Don't give up on holding the inspector accountable for the leak. That's his job and he didn't do what you paid him to do. He owes you at least the cost of fixing the leak.
The last picture of Eden peaking around the umbrella is classic. You should enter it in a photo contest. It's a sure winner. Beautiful, well composed, artful, and so innocent. You're sure to win the prize with that.
Grandp O
This is Mark. Jim Osbourne tells me that the inspector may be liable for missing said drip in attic. Who paid the inspector (you or the seller?). Find the contract and check to see the liablity/indemnification details. Just some ideas to try out.
That is a shame you have such problems with the leak and all the legal stuff. I hope you can get it solved soon. Your girls are just too cute.... Love the picture of you and Cathy. Playing in the rain, must be an american thing... =) we didn't play much in the rain as I remember.
Good luck with everything.
We have the same problem- rain water dripping in the attic (not the inspector thing...)and it is no fun at all! It just rained way too much over the summer and now we have mold growing too! So good luck!
All I've got to say is...That sucks something fierce! Sorry :(
Plus if you talk to the previous owners you should say something along the lines of "I went to the 'Jerk Store' the other day and they were all sold out of you." (That is a favorite line at our house from Seinfeld. Yes, we are all for plagiarism.)
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